PSIENCE is a unification of the law of one, the three spiritual essences, and the seven laws of the physical universe. The word PSIENCE derives using the word PSI, for spirit, within the science, as such is both the spiritual science and the science of life.
To expand the formula of universal intelligence and spirit into each form, and to integrate the forms created and known. This includes the PHYSICAL five forces and the basics of Physics, the emotional values and mental frames of Psychology, inherent or dynamic Economic and Education Models within the SPIRITUAL principles.
Let this blog be a first PSIENCE to know.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The financial crisis is more than a statement. It is a request for an answer. The first truth is that by its very nature, the answer is always built into the problem. The second truth is the inherent basis of economics, supply and demand, holds the key.
Yes. Of course. It is man-made. Therefore, man has the solution. The inherent solution is the same creativity that produced man’s initial genetic form. But it is more than that spiritual question. It has a physical reality.
This answer we speak of fits into eternal truth, and primary requirement. That is, it fills the spiritual and physical side. Who can say they do not feel something of both. Thus we combine the two elements of longevity and temporary need. This is the network market value of pay for production, work, or supply, alongside demand or immediate need. The two consigned to fit together form the real common and special answer to the current and any long term financial challenge. The answer is within the question.
We pay for production, supply, and labor. We now also invest in money for money sake, to build a supply of money. This increase is totally self-creating. If we take the concept to the next level, paying for what we have or need, we build a payment plan which can be used at any level among any participant, being state, local, nation, or international.
The simple answer is we simply pay for what we do. School children are paid to go to school. Disaster or homelessness relief is supported for need. Musicians are paid for creating music. Those demonstrating higher level values, such as educators, relief providers and . This is the first level basic necessity pay system. But it also means providers of relief, for example, also are rewarded.
We must also balance both high end and low end. This means people who produce well, get the second level of payment. The system must be both exclusive to need, and inclusive to want. That is, it works well with efficiency and productivity. It provides more to those levels, and enough for the lesser levels. It rains on the areas needed, but gathers water in the areas where water is reserved and preserved. Economics can also provide relative control and our needs as such must follow the two basic precepts.
Providing payment for work done, and provided capital to those producing well. The other group, non-work or non-effort, do not receive except at the lowest return level. The levels provided must allow those who wish to improve to move to a second level. Those providing the best value, get capital gain.
It is very simple. This is not world wide welfare, but realism at work. THE PAY WORK SYSTEM covers all who are working, or even creative, and researching. It provides support in a relative way. It is what I call Ratiocination at the level of relative existence. That is using the concept of relative, we create relative ratio of values, which are in keeping with nature, mankind, and living sustenance. This is all man needs to do. If we take our supply and use it for this demand priority, we can survive any economic crisis, and barring total natural collapse, will continue to generate a sustainable economy forever.
The current system need not be dissolved. In fact government and Capital Business markets each will continue as they are. The new Ratiocination is inclusive, and provides capital direction and purpose. It involves all the people, and all life systems. It evaluates need and providence, is spiritually and physically valuable, not to mention mentally and emotionally supportive. So it is able to cover all the basis, and not just physical needs.
The ratiocination system is ready. We will pay every child in school. We shall support networking economic of new valuable products. We shall pay (credit) disaster relief providers and receivers. We shall support two-way economics in all avenues where economic return is required or requested for work effort or production. This also means we shall support economics that are natural, healthy, and saving the planet and its resources. These two will receive an economic credit. The value and level of credits is to be determined by the government and business community. This is their purpose.
This deserves more than a voice to be heard. It deserves to be found and used. Ratiocination is the relative value of our effort, evaluating all possible efforts, with economic balance. The balance is reviewed, supported, and returned as the current working model, the only model that can work forever. The other models of supply demand without ratiocination will not work, and led to debt and potential disaster. This is the only logical and naturally intuitive model of economic relief, sustenance, and true value.
Finally, let it be known, that this unified model must have a balanced cooperative element in education, business, psychology, and other studies and disciplines. The reality is, the semantics are secondary to the attitude, but the unified attitude or model is discovered when one opens to its potential. We are creating our world and its systems, and to adjust or adjunct to the system is always necessary. It will evolve as we do. This is inherent, just as the question and the answer. So it must be, for we have built the system on solid ground of the two laws, and of truth. That is really love in action.
Unified Education Model, Universal Perception, Unified Economics System. All are part of this whole dynamic, which we must now integrate into our Relative reality. This new unified integrated model is whole, universal, and specific in each area to each person. This marks the real economic and educational value, a spiritual and physical unity as far as we can say. But it must be grasped by the whole and embraced by individuals. This must be accepted. Otherwise, the only path is greed and loss, one or the other. It does not deny the other system, because it is inclusive.
The other systems have always been exclusive, such as nationalism, or capitalism. We do not deny either one, but realize the essential support of each along with this new third dynamic. Like tools and language, man now comes to this third, in the third millenium, of consciousness. That is the tool we provide most, demonstrating it in the education and business model of true success. After that, it is all about working it out.
We need to implment RATIOCINATION today. Here is the essence. We have ideas. We need to provide coordination of value, through communications and technology. Realism is a reality, of course. Contact us today.
The financial crisis is more than a statement. It is a request for an answer. The first truth is that by its very nature, the answer is always built into the problem. The second truth is the inherent basis of economics, supply and demand, holds the key.
Yes. Of course. It is man-made. Therefore, man has the solution. The inherent solution is the same creativity that produced man’s initial genetic form. But it is more than that spiritual question. It has a physical reality.
This answer we speak of fits into eternal truth, and primary requirement. That is, it fills the spiritual and physical side. Who can say they do not feel something of both. Thus we combine the two elements of longevity and temporary need. This is the network market value of pay for production, work, or supply, alongside demand or immediate need. The two consigned to fit together form the real common and special answer to the current and any long term financial challenge. The answer is within the question.
We pay for production, supply, and labor. We now also invest in money for money sake, to build a supply of money. This increase is totally self-creating. If we take the concept to the next level, paying for what we have or need, we build a payment plan which can be used at any level among any participant, being state, local, nation, or international.
The simple answer is we simply pay for what we do. School children are paid to go to school. Disaster or homelessness relief is supported for need. Musicians are paid for creating music. Those demonstrating higher level values, such as educators, relief providers and . This is the first level basic necessity pay system. But it also means providers of relief, for example, also are rewarded.
We must also balance both high end and low end. This means people who produce well, get the second level of payment. The system must be both exclusive to need, and inclusive to want. That is, it works well with efficiency and productivity. It provides more to those levels, and enough for the lesser levels. It rains on the areas needed, but gathers water in the areas where water is reserved and preserved. Economics can also provide relative control and our needs as such must follow the two basic precepts.
Providing payment for work done, and provided capital to those producing well. The other group, non-work or non-effort, do not receive except at the lowest return level. The levels provided must allow those who wish to improve to move to a second level. Those providing the best value, get capital gain.
It is very simple. This is not world wide welfare, but realism at work. THE PAY WORK SYSTEM covers all who are working, or even creative, and researching. It provides support in a relative way. It is what I call Ratiocination at the level of relative existence. That is using the concept of relative, we create relative ratio of values, which are in keeping with nature, mankind, and living sustenance. This is all man needs to do. If we take our supply and use it for this demand priority, we can survive any economic crisis, and barring total natural collapse, will continue to generate a sustainable economy forever.
The current system need not be dissolved. In fact government and Capital Business markets each will continue as they are. The new Ratiocination is inclusive, and provides capital direction and purpose. It involves all the people, and all life systems. It evaluates need and providence, is spiritually and physically valuable, not to mention mentally and emotionally supportive. So it is able to cover all the basis, and not just physical needs.
The ratiocination system is ready. We will pay every child in school. We shall support networking economic of new valuable products. We shall pay (credit) disaster relief providers and receivers. We shall support two-way economics in all avenues where economic return is required or requested for work effort or production. This also means we shall support economics that are natural, healthy, and saving the planet and its resources. These two will receive an economic credit. The value and level of credits is to be determined by the government and business community. This is their purpose.
This deserves more than a voice to be heard. It deserves to be found and used. Ratiocination is the relative value of our effort, evaluating all possible efforts, with economic balance. The balance is reviewed, supported, and returned as the current working model, the only model that can work forever. The other models of supply demand without ratiocination will not work, and led to debt and potential disaster. This is the only logical and naturally intuitive model of economic relief, sustenance, and true value.
Finally, let it be known, that this unified model must have a balanced cooperative element in education, business, psychology, and other studies and disciplines. The reality is, the semantics are secondary to the attitude, but the unified attitude or model is discovered when one opens to its potential. We are creating our world and its systems, and to adjust or adjunct to the system is always necessary. It will evolve as we do. This is inherent, just as the question and the answer. So it must be, for we have built the system on solid ground of the two laws, and of truth. That is really love in action.
Unified Education Model, Universal Perception, Unified Economics System. All are part of this whole dynamic, which we must now integrate into our Relative reality. This new unified integrated model is whole, universal, and specific in each area to each person. This marks the real economic and educational value, a spiritual and physical unity as far as we can say. But it must be grasped by the whole and embraced by individuals. This must be accepted. Otherwise, the only path is greed and loss, one or the other. It does not deny the other system, because it is inclusive.
The other systems have always been exclusive, such as nationalism, or capitalism. We do not deny either one, but realize the essential support of each along with this new third dynamic. Like tools and language, man now comes to this third, in the third millenium, of consciousness. That is the tool we provide most, demonstrating it in the education and business model of true success. After that, it is all about working it out.
We need to implment RATIOCINATION today. Here is the essence. We have ideas. We need to provide coordination of value, through communications and technology. Realism is a reality, of course. Contact us today.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Paneagle and Eagle Works of the NINE BOK CYCLE WORKS, including DESTINY, SAGE, LIGHT, EXIS, DANCING IN THE KITCHEN, THE AMERIGINAL, SOUL OF STARS, PSIENCE, and THE JOURNEY OF SOUL! These are all forms of HUIS, which is human universal intelligence systems.
HUIS means human universal (integrated) intelligence systems, any such fully integrated honesty (flight) which can be used as a whole and be aligned with a UP (universal perception), a Nuetic source material, or a United Planet Effort, as three examples of purposes for Huis.
The three fields first proposed for HUIS are the integration of education (UEM) model, and the new UTE (unified theory of economics) also known as the Universal economic theory (UET), the NU Sicology, or the Unified Sicological Perception (USP), the Universal Perception (UP), along with the United Planet Effort (UPE), which unites the dynamic application in at least three fields. There are others such as in numbers and mathematics (Numatics) and PSIENCE or PSI-ESSENCE. Each may act as a generator for ideas, ideals, and use in all fields, each being complementary in each field as relations. Thus, the evolution of essential integrity both involved and generating the HUIS.
The Behaviorial or Learning or Business protocol is thus aligned to integrated systems and the flight consciousness. This builds in or has built in the Logis and logics, and the inherent natural genius and Genus which is in each man, and life, and spirit. That it is not to codify the spirit, but rather acts in its' proposed inherent nature. So we realize we do not discover, but rather uncover, as we realize what has always been.
Using Astrology, the Sol Signs is a built in (but unseen realization) of Astrology by harmonic degrees, always printed in any astrological chart in the minute or second of degree. The elegant profound inner positions of planets and stars. This shows how inherent nature has always provided its' nature and timing of cycles, implicit in physical world, and is an explicitly profound realization of the simple components. Thus being most remarkable, the same holds true for all science, education, and philosophy, where man believes each is advanced of itself, whereas Spirit in reality is of its' own world, but alive her in man and conscious beings. Soul in nature is within man, and God through spirit is the catalyst. We each find natural in science as light, or sound as used in language, that the total perception is of wholeness. That we do not define things unknown, but use the profound sense of actuating what has always been. HUIS is our reality which has always been, is also progressing, just as man and the world is.
The Huniverse is the entire multi-dimensional universe, of which the physical is a part, and includes the inner worlds of Earth, and our planetary system, largely unknown to Science and Man, there is still three important points 1) The inner world is within us (as Jesus stated), and the inner world is within the planet, with a sun or solar core, although how this is inclusive we cannot here well describe. Second, The universe is largely physical, and fixed, quite mechnical, as compared to the Huniverse which we may know, through dreams, visions, or comprehension, soul travel, and other inner methods, and which we will know more greatly as the Huniverse unfolds, and our growing universal perception allows. It could be said this Huniverse is almost of our creation, as much as we are able to. A third point is to know how well we live in this world, determines where and how we shall live in the next part of the Huniverse, that we will come to know. In fact, we live in this Huniversal world here and now.
We find now that the three of behavior, business and education are integrated. Yet they stand on their own, and we shall see how HUIS works with each of them. In the example of HUIS in Sicology (*Sicology - The psychology of five dimensions, beyond the three dimension and mind, marking the 4th of human perception, and the 5th is the Soul perspective of a spiritual unity integrated into Psychology)
IN Psychology, we have 7 types, defined with an acronym, simply BEACHES as it stands for Behavior, Environmental, Analytical, Cognitive, Humanistic, Evolutionary, and Social-Cultural. Thus we can also pair the 7 with Cognitive forming the center, and the other 6 in pairs as Environmental - Evolutionary, Humanistic - Analytical, and Behavior - Social cultural. Thus we find most of man’s common behavioral psychology defined by these. But now we expand the context, with a three pronged lines through the center to cognitive, and the three spaces and three points each reaching for our team players. Now we find the unified model of Sicology with inter-activity between each discipline.
The balance of each pair on each side, and the two sides each display, as the sides of environmental, humanistic and behavioral, and the other of environmental, analytical and social. We may also see crossover from top to bottom, each working through the center but also on their own, with alignments to each other. The seven as a whole work together, but we may require each one in its own, like our eyes, ears, body, arms, legs, and organs, for example.
The Spirit follows the path through the top of the head, into the body, and brain, at the top of the head, symbolic and actual, of the organization of the hindbrain, center, and forebrain complex aligned with our paired groups and center and spinal column. Then we also find the spirit as above, holds to three areas of Sicology only somewhat aluded to, but important, as our dreams, and those of past history in the current life, and past lifetimes, and also of soul and spiritual travel, which are higher order recognitions.
For example, the traveling of Soul is done by spiritual exercise, much like the sleep process, with its levels of sleep or waking. Where we are calm like meditation, we find the level 1 delta to level 3 and 4 deep sleep, and the REM where active dreams occur. Thus it may be our sleep and meditation cycle as well as life experience all reflect the principle. The activity of delta 3 would be the deep meditation, preparing for soul travel or what has been known as out of body experience, but really is within our being, and soul, to know worlds within, not without.
It stands the same for man and learning. So it may be like imagination, only it becomes clear it is very real. Dreams too are real experiences, and this evaluation, does not hinder the need for dream analysis, only that we become the one more able to decipher the meaning for ourselves, because we are the ones having the experience.
The study of cycle and life experience may also follow a building pattern of stages to a REM or active perception and success achievement. So it may be this recognition of focus on a goal, for example using imagination or other tools of consciousness, which elevates us to great degree. REM becomes an active term for active life purpose. I like to associate it with LEM, the lunar landing module, which was known during perhaps our most significant historical event, the one the whole world watched in 1969.
If we do not see the reliance on the spirit or actual life energy within us, and do not comprehended the soul, and its purpose, then we may not realize why and how we have experiences, and what we may do with them. This works both forward and backwards in our creation of things, or in handling what is being created towards its purpose.
Relayant - A CONDITION OF RELATIVE ASSOCIATION relative to a point or focus. We create the NU words, as NU concepts of already known things. Here relayant is the relative or relevant coordination between two things.
Cordata - Cordata is a word for coordinating data. Instead of reporting data was used for recognition of a purpose or goal, we use cordata to show we did so with more efficiency.
Example of a relayant is a cosmic one, with Jimi Hendrix who made his first remarkable record in Nov. 1966, Are You Experienced, when the largest meteor shower in history occurred. The record did not release until spring 1967, but its creation in a short month was clearly relayant to the celestial event.

Relayant significance become tantamount to Sicology, and the HUIS. We may say Nuetics is the study of relayant systems, or HUIS in action. The Cross integration of UEM education and Sicology, for example, brings us the relayant medium of the natural universal perception, with inherent principles; man is relative to his world, and environment behavior and the seven Beaches, and also to the unified education at many levels which mankind undergoes. He currently breaks up all the systems into one, or makes one the most significant, and works as humans do, in specifics, in our own life or world, nation, family, or interest areas.
So it is a whole system is needed, but we must know Nuetics, but really Nuetics is just what is being prepared or known today, in the now, of what has always been. Physics was not created in some year, but always was existant, ready to be known we it was. So was it for all. The sooner man comprehends this principle, the greater his advances, spiritually and physically. We may discover the key to eternal or immortal existence, and other great keys to sustenance of energy systems around the planet, for one example. Obviously, there is a system already potentially there ready for our discovery, just as life on other planets must surely be.
The eighth bok is a compendium and a model for HUIS, in the presentation of the UEM, the UET, and the USP for Education, Business, and Psychology. This is one of 9 BOKS which develop special areas through writing stories, or self-help, or definitions, thus covering what we find to be man’s dilemma’s and answers.
The HUIS is going to be entirely conceptual at first, but it has presentation in every area, and we relate its principle to each life area, as Sicology must. We call it Sicology because it is not traditional except in the unified sense of inclusion, and it use PSI or what many call psychic or metaphysical, but beyond them, it is actually spiritual psychology. That is the inclusion of spiritual reality must be included in the works, the dimension of Soul and its inherent perception, that man is soul in a body, not a body with a soul. That is when we die, the individual will live on, even as the body is returned to dust in Earth.
So we compose the balanced model of Sicology, so it can be used effectively of itself or used alongside the traditional therapy or methods. The same goes for each model, as inclusive, not exclusive, which seems to be much of the problem of man. Yes, there is a need for exclusion, but do we know inclusion enough. The exclusive or overly inclusive of its own is paranoid and one-sided. The two sided coin is full, but it also has its side which is the HUIS, the central connecting link, without which the coin would not have sides, nor could it roll. The same goes for man, his spine, or his spirit, Each is necessary.
You can read the 9 BOKS, and find illumination in each life area, and in each counterpart or revelation, there is generic import, and also inclusive unity. We find also we can go beyond the mind of man, to the spiritual value, and feel it, not isolated by religion or education context, rather and thusly finding the inherent essence. The nine BOKS are simple channels for each of the nine elements, as nine numbers and nine lives, for example, but without being silly, we must just say they are channels for realizations.
This essence is the vital, for man did not create heavens or earth, and neither does soul, except as it may be a channel as such, as we all are. The original or spiritual essence is that speciality in each thing, and person. Therefore, without it, in science or math or life, there is not real function or beauty or love. So it is and ever will be.
NUETICS is a NU concept
NUETICS is a new science, education, and learning format. Nuetics is also a way of describing what has always been in NU words and concepts, for the NU Millenium. NUETICS works semantics and ideals, to create living concepts, and make bridges of context, and values. NU words describe or enliven what we need to know, to describe, or have always suspected, and define things directly not yet defined or related in a specific words.
As Man creates new words to define new or previously unknown concepts and ideas, he grows into higher value and coordination, realizing both word and idea as communication tools of real things, and real understanding. NUETICS explains a needed integrated honesty, and becomes a school of thought and being, a consciousness values for the best in all. Paneagle adds numbers of new words in EAGLEPEDIA and here we include these seven:
SOL - Light, light of Soul, of the sun as it is (light) within each of us, individual part of us being part of God and Spirit
CU - a hint or clue from life, or world around us, or within, a cue to events or views from life, or from 'the universe', within or without
FRESPONSIBILITY - taking charge of our freedom, responsible sense of integrated freedom
NU - Progressive integration of life technologies
NUETICS - New system of integrated honest perceptive reality
BENVIRONMENT - to begin or benefit environment, working to benefit or association with benefit to environment or our world, being benign to environment.
TAOT - The way of Health. Natural way of living, in health ways, spiritually and physical health.
PANEAGLE and EAGLE WORKS offers all of these concepts and NU words, the Iginal and Ameriginal, the Taot, The Pandata2000, and SOL concept in ASTROLOGY, the Galactician, and NUETICS, each as it is, each in this blog, and through e-books and other expressions, often provided quite freely and openly for the value and benefit of men, and hopefully, for all life
Paneagle and Eagle Works of the NINE BOK CYCLE WORKS, including DESTINY, SAGE, LIGHT, EXIS, DANCING IN THE KITCHEN, THE AMERIGINAL, SOUL OF STARS, PSIENCE, and THE JOURNEY OF SOUL! These are all forms of HUIS, which is human universal intelligence systems.
HUIS means human universal (integrated) intelligence systems, any such fully integrated honesty (flight) which can be used as a whole and be aligned with a UP (universal perception), a Nuetic source material, or a United Planet Effort, as three examples of purposes for Huis.
The three fields first proposed for HUIS are the integration of education (UEM) model, and the new UTE (unified theory of economics) also known as the Universal economic theory (UET), the NU Sicology, or the Unified Sicological Perception (USP), the Universal Perception (UP), along with the United Planet Effort (UPE), which unites the dynamic application in at least three fields. There are others such as in numbers and mathematics (Numatics) and PSIENCE or PSI-ESSENCE. Each may act as a generator for ideas, ideals, and use in all fields, each being complementary in each field as relations. Thus, the evolution of essential integrity both involved and generating the HUIS.
The Behaviorial or Learning or Business protocol is thus aligned to integrated systems and the flight consciousness. This builds in or has built in the Logis and logics, and the inherent natural genius and Genus which is in each man, and life, and spirit. That it is not to codify the spirit, but rather acts in its' proposed inherent nature. So we realize we do not discover, but rather uncover, as we realize what has always been.
Using Astrology, the Sol Signs is a built in (but unseen realization) of Astrology by harmonic degrees, always printed in any astrological chart in the minute or second of degree. The elegant profound inner positions of planets and stars. This shows how inherent nature has always provided its' nature and timing of cycles, implicit in physical world, and is an explicitly profound realization of the simple components. Thus being most remarkable, the same holds true for all science, education, and philosophy, where man believes each is advanced of itself, whereas Spirit in reality is of its' own world, but alive her in man and conscious beings. Soul in nature is within man, and God through spirit is the catalyst. We each find natural in science as light, or sound as used in language, that the total perception is of wholeness. That we do not define things unknown, but use the profound sense of actuating what has always been. HUIS is our reality which has always been, is also progressing, just as man and the world is.
The Huniverse is the entire multi-dimensional universe, of which the physical is a part, and includes the inner worlds of Earth, and our planetary system, largely unknown to Science and Man, there is still three important points 1) The inner world is within us (as Jesus stated), and the inner world is within the planet, with a sun or solar core, although how this is inclusive we cannot here well describe. Second, The universe is largely physical, and fixed, quite mechnical, as compared to the Huniverse which we may know, through dreams, visions, or comprehension, soul travel, and other inner methods, and which we will know more greatly as the Huniverse unfolds, and our growing universal perception allows. It could be said this Huniverse is almost of our creation, as much as we are able to. A third point is to know how well we live in this world, determines where and how we shall live in the next part of the Huniverse, that we will come to know. In fact, we live in this Huniversal world here and now.
We find now that the three of behavior, business and education are integrated. Yet they stand on their own, and we shall see how HUIS works with each of them. In the example of HUIS in Sicology (*Sicology - The psychology of five dimensions, beyond the three dimension and mind, marking the 4th of human perception, and the 5th is the Soul perspective of a spiritual unity integrated into Psychology)
IN Psychology, we have 7 types, defined with an acronym, simply BEACHES as it stands for Behavior, Environmental, Analytical, Cognitive, Humanistic, Evolutionary, and Social-Cultural. Thus we can also pair the 7 with Cognitive forming the center, and the other 6 in pairs as Environmental - Evolutionary, Humanistic - Analytical, and Behavior - Social cultural. Thus we find most of man’s common behavioral psychology defined by these. But now we expand the context, with a three pronged lines through the center to cognitive, and the three spaces and three points each reaching for our team players. Now we find the unified model of Sicology with inter-activity between each discipline.
The balance of each pair on each side, and the two sides each display, as the sides of environmental, humanistic and behavioral, and the other of environmental, analytical and social. We may also see crossover from top to bottom, each working through the center but also on their own, with alignments to each other. The seven as a whole work together, but we may require each one in its own, like our eyes, ears, body, arms, legs, and organs, for example.
The Spirit follows the path through the top of the head, into the body, and brain, at the top of the head, symbolic and actual, of the organization of the hindbrain, center, and forebrain complex aligned with our paired groups and center and spinal column. Then we also find the spirit as above, holds to three areas of Sicology only somewhat aluded to, but important, as our dreams, and those of past history in the current life, and past lifetimes, and also of soul and spiritual travel, which are higher order recognitions.
For example, the traveling of Soul is done by spiritual exercise, much like the sleep process, with its levels of sleep or waking. Where we are calm like meditation, we find the level 1 delta to level 3 and 4 deep sleep, and the REM where active dreams occur. Thus it may be our sleep and meditation cycle as well as life experience all reflect the principle. The activity of delta 3 would be the deep meditation, preparing for soul travel or what has been known as out of body experience, but really is within our being, and soul, to know worlds within, not without.
It stands the same for man and learning. So it may be like imagination, only it becomes clear it is very real. Dreams too are real experiences, and this evaluation, does not hinder the need for dream analysis, only that we become the one more able to decipher the meaning for ourselves, because we are the ones having the experience.
The study of cycle and life experience may also follow a building pattern of stages to a REM or active perception and success achievement. So it may be this recognition of focus on a goal, for example using imagination or other tools of consciousness, which elevates us to great degree. REM becomes an active term for active life purpose. I like to associate it with LEM, the lunar landing module, which was known during perhaps our most significant historical event, the one the whole world watched in 1969.
If we do not see the reliance on the spirit or actual life energy within us, and do not comprehended the soul, and its purpose, then we may not realize why and how we have experiences, and what we may do with them. This works both forward and backwards in our creation of things, or in handling what is being created towards its purpose.
Relayant - A CONDITION OF RELATIVE ASSOCIATION relative to a point or focus. We create the NU words, as NU concepts of already known things. Here relayant is the relative or relevant coordination between two things.
Cordata - Cordata is a word for coordinating data. Instead of reporting data was used for recognition of a purpose or goal, we use cordata to show we did so with more efficiency.
Example of a relayant is a cosmic one, with Jimi Hendrix who made his first remarkable record in Nov. 1966, Are You Experienced, when the largest meteor shower in history occurred. The record did not release until spring 1967, but its creation in a short month was clearly relayant to the celestial event.

Relayant significance become tantamount to Sicology, and the HUIS. We may say Nuetics is the study of relayant systems, or HUIS in action. The Cross integration of UEM education and Sicology, for example, brings us the relayant medium of the natural universal perception, with inherent principles; man is relative to his world, and environment behavior and the seven Beaches, and also to the unified education at many levels which mankind undergoes. He currently breaks up all the systems into one, or makes one the most significant, and works as humans do, in specifics, in our own life or world, nation, family, or interest areas.
So it is a whole system is needed, but we must know Nuetics, but really Nuetics is just what is being prepared or known today, in the now, of what has always been. Physics was not created in some year, but always was existant, ready to be known we it was. So was it for all. The sooner man comprehends this principle, the greater his advances, spiritually and physically. We may discover the key to eternal or immortal existence, and other great keys to sustenance of energy systems around the planet, for one example. Obviously, there is a system already potentially there ready for our discovery, just as life on other planets must surely be.
The eighth bok is a compendium and a model for HUIS, in the presentation of the UEM, the UET, and the USP for Education, Business, and Psychology. This is one of 9 BOKS which develop special areas through writing stories, or self-help, or definitions, thus covering what we find to be man’s dilemma’s and answers.
The HUIS is going to be entirely conceptual at first, but it has presentation in every area, and we relate its principle to each life area, as Sicology must. We call it Sicology because it is not traditional except in the unified sense of inclusion, and it use PSI or what many call psychic or metaphysical, but beyond them, it is actually spiritual psychology. That is the inclusion of spiritual reality must be included in the works, the dimension of Soul and its inherent perception, that man is soul in a body, not a body with a soul. That is when we die, the individual will live on, even as the body is returned to dust in Earth.
So we compose the balanced model of Sicology, so it can be used effectively of itself or used alongside the traditional therapy or methods. The same goes for each model, as inclusive, not exclusive, which seems to be much of the problem of man. Yes, there is a need for exclusion, but do we know inclusion enough. The exclusive or overly inclusive of its own is paranoid and one-sided. The two sided coin is full, but it also has its side which is the HUIS, the central connecting link, without which the coin would not have sides, nor could it roll. The same goes for man, his spine, or his spirit, Each is necessary.
You can read the 9 BOKS, and find illumination in each life area, and in each counterpart or revelation, there is generic import, and also inclusive unity. We find also we can go beyond the mind of man, to the spiritual value, and feel it, not isolated by religion or education context, rather and thusly finding the inherent essence. The nine BOKS are simple channels for each of the nine elements, as nine numbers and nine lives, for example, but without being silly, we must just say they are channels for realizations.
This essence is the vital, for man did not create heavens or earth, and neither does soul, except as it may be a channel as such, as we all are. The original or spiritual essence is that speciality in each thing, and person. Therefore, without it, in science or math or life, there is not real function or beauty or love. So it is and ever will be.
NUETICS is a NU concept
NUETICS is a new science, education, and learning format. Nuetics is also a way of describing what has always been in NU words and concepts, for the NU Millenium. NUETICS works semantics and ideals, to create living concepts, and make bridges of context, and values. NU words describe or enliven what we need to know, to describe, or have always suspected, and define things directly not yet defined or related in a specific words.
As Man creates new words to define new or previously unknown concepts and ideas, he grows into higher value and coordination, realizing both word and idea as communication tools of real things, and real understanding. NUETICS explains a needed integrated honesty, and becomes a school of thought and being, a consciousness values for the best in all. Paneagle adds numbers of new words in EAGLEPEDIA and here we include these seven:
SOL - Light, light of Soul, of the sun as it is (light) within each of us, individual part of us being part of God and Spirit
CU - a hint or clue from life, or world around us, or within, a cue to events or views from life, or from 'the universe', within or without
FRESPONSIBILITY - taking charge of our freedom, responsible sense of integrated freedom
NU - Progressive integration of life technologies
NUETICS - New system of integrated honest perceptive reality
BENVIRONMENT - to begin or benefit environment, working to benefit or association with benefit to environment or our world, being benign to environment.
TAOT - The way of Health. Natural way of living, in health ways, spiritually and physical health.
PANEAGLE and EAGLE WORKS offers all of these concepts and NU words, the Iginal and Ameriginal, the Taot, The Pandata2000, and SOL concept in ASTROLOGY, the Galactician, and NUETICS, each as it is, each in this blog, and through e-books and other expressions, often provided quite freely and openly for the value and benefit of men, and hopefully, for all life
Saturday, September 6, 2008
NUETICS uses or creates NU WORDS and values.
NUETICS is to understand and define concepts not as yet specified. To create bridge and understanding of previously unconnected ideals or concepts.
NUETICS is also a study of any approach to integrated understanding. It is a unity or unification and harmonic cooperation. It represents an entire new VU, with Fresponsibility, benvironmental, with integrated honesty. It is also a SCIENCE where the study of these values, and observed results and references will imply success, if followed or observed by other nations, peoples, or races.
Previously Society Culture and Government as well as Business and Religion is built on polarity, the opposition or association of relation with the sense of duality, otherness, right-wrong, good-bad, evil-good or one-two concepts. NUETICS is inclusive, not exclusive. It also implies the rational of benvironmental attitude, of intelligence, spiritual and mental as well as physical, a state of humane expansiveness and even love, the unified but also independent and pro-active. What concepts and live values fit into Nuetics will also build Nuetics into our life and environment.
Everyone is an Nuetic, just as we all are Iginal, original people of descendents of the land and world. But this association must be worked, thus the Nuetic concept of LIFE and SPIRIT, that we are spiritual beings, SOL, but also human, and part of a whole. Thus we support both individuality and unity, or associative harmony. Nuetics may be the method of defining this concept, and be a valid educational and scientific value for all. To be Nuetic is simple. Just be included with your world, and be yourself. It will show you those who are working Nuetically, or perhaps in disharmony. It is a reflection but also our own activity, and we are fresponsible for what results from our actions.
Read on for what Nuetics is, and what it is becoming. It has been in effect active and related for centuries, commonly unknown, but surely universal. Read on and anyone
open enough to respond, will be responded to.
NUETICS is to understand and define concepts not as yet specified. To create bridge and understanding of previously unconnected ideals or concepts.
NUETICS is also a study of any approach to integrated understanding. It is a unity or unification and harmonic cooperation. It represents an entire new VU, with Fresponsibility, benvironmental, with integrated honesty. It is also a SCIENCE where the study of these values, and observed results and references will imply success, if followed or observed by other nations, peoples, or races.
Previously Society Culture and Government as well as Business and Religion is built on polarity, the opposition or association of relation with the sense of duality, otherness, right-wrong, good-bad, evil-good or one-two concepts. NUETICS is inclusive, not exclusive. It also implies the rational of benvironmental attitude, of intelligence, spiritual and mental as well as physical, a state of humane expansiveness and even love, the unified but also independent and pro-active. What concepts and live values fit into Nuetics will also build Nuetics into our life and environment.
Everyone is an Nuetic, just as we all are Iginal, original people of descendents of the land and world. But this association must be worked, thus the Nuetic concept of LIFE and SPIRIT, that we are spiritual beings, SOL, but also human, and part of a whole. Thus we support both individuality and unity, or associative harmony. Nuetics may be the method of defining this concept, and be a valid educational and scientific value for all. To be Nuetic is simple. Just be included with your world, and be yourself. It will show you those who are working Nuetically, or perhaps in disharmony. It is a reflection but also our own activity, and we are fresponsible for what results from our actions.
Read on for what Nuetics is, and what it is becoming. It has been in effect active and related for centuries, commonly unknown, but surely universal. Read on and anyone
open enough to respond, will be responded to.

NUETICS is a NU concept
NUETICS is a new science, education, and learning format. Nuetics is also a way of describing what has always been in NU words and concepts, for the NU Millenium. NUETICS works semantics and ideals, to create living concepts, and make bridges of context, and values. NU words describe or enliven what we need to know, to describe, or have always suspected, and define things directly not yet defined or related in a specific words.
As Man creates new words to define new or previously unknown concepts and ideas, he grows into higher value and coordination, realizing both word and idea as communication tools of real things, and real understanding. NUETICS explains a needed integrated honesty, and becomes a school of thought and being, a consciousness values for the best in all. Paneagle adds numbers of new words in EAGLEPEDIA and here we include these seven:
SOL - Light, light of Soul, of the sun as it is (light) within each of us, individual part of us being part of God and Spirit
CU - a hint or clue from life, or world around us, or within, a cue to events or views from life, or from 'the universe', within or without
FRESPONSIBILITY - taking charge of our freedom, responsible sense of integrated freedom
NU - Progressive integration of life technologies
NUETICS - New system of integrated honest perceptive reality
BENVIRONMENT - to begin or benefit environment, working to benefit or association with benefit to environment or our world, being benign to environment.
TAOT - The way of Health. Natural way of living, in health ways, spiritually and physical health.
PANEAGLE and EAGLE WORKS offers all of these concepts and NU words, the Iginal and Ameriginal, the Taot, The Pandata2000, and SOL concept in ASTROLOGY, the Galactician, and NUETICS, each as it is, each in this blog, and through e-books and other expressions, often provided quite freely and openly for the value and benefit of men, and hopefully, for all life.
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