Monday, November 21, 2022
STAR DATE November 21 Always on NU world wide wake UP
STAR DATE NOVEMBER 21 ALWAYS NU world wide wake UP NEW MOON NOV 23 TIME FOR A CUUL CHANGE enter Sagittarius sign of freedom re-development expansion LUNAR STAR is CENTAURUS the great Monopoly wealth control CENTURIONS SUN SCORPIO 30 final day of the Scorpio...RELEASE ALL PAST KARMA Discover or own your PURE LIVING WATER and true DREAM VISIONS MERCURY VENUS CONJUNCT 7 SAGITTARIUS SOLAR AWARE HUMANS BE A SEER in real AWARENESS and become aware of what is right in front of you AWARENESS as the SOLAREANS SOLAR LIGHT BEING ON URTH REALM The SOLAR STAR ANTARES at the New Moon You are the ANTARES (not only a human aries man) of the Physical 1Dimensional life view BECOME FREE travel TREE of the 7TH HEAVEN (NUABALLAH) Practice NYUGA SPEX (TAI CHI and NU U DREAM VISIONS) CATS CLIMB our treasure trees at home TIME TO UNCOVER THE NU LANGUAGE Every word has its hidden meaning and non-literal SEE WITHIN THE LINES LIFE LIGHT Teach yourself the NU language as it is presented to you and all INDIVIDUALLY NUWS DIET...VITAMINS and MINERAL OILS OXYGEN THERAPY Plasma Energetics VITAMIN B.E.D.Z and C.B.D.T .......F.I.B.S SEE (SEA) BEST FINDS BEDZ the VItamin B E D and Zinc ACENU Real C and See Real Awareness sing NU U CBDT vitamins A C B Tumeric and Tart Cherry BERRY extract Colliodal SILVER minerals and FIBS fruits folic iron sea salt garlic ginger and Nuts 'THEY' DON'T WANT YOU TO RECOGNIZE the REAL UNITY AND NU AWARENESS They refuse you access or limit available or historical knowledge and tru respect They contain and consolidate any freedom or available resource or real intelligence THE NU AEGIS is NATURALISM UNIVERSALISM AND SOULAR-ISM (SOLAR LIGHT) The Global CON control mechanics tech, media and interest monopoly bank authority to RECOGNIZE this Get out into the world and SEE THE GREAT WAR ongoing since first millenium ATLANTIS and the ALIENATION process HUMAN Genetic engineering SOLAREANS (Solar Universal NuUrthers) vs the REPTALIENS (Earth bound Saturn ruled) LIONS AND BEARS (Ursa Majors/) versus the DRAGON BULLS (Draconians/Centaurians) THE AUTHORITIZ (Authorities) and HOW THEY DO IT (Manipulate Humans) 1) SEE WHAT IS NATURAL and Survival, then create synthetic or manufactured products Pack and monopolize distribution and LOAD UP the human golden FLEECE marketing 2) BY BUY OWN land create interest banking lease loans and insurance CON-tract network LORD over US Identification social security and SHORE UP mortgage control interests shares 3) MAGNET media marketing advertising teach educate DOMINIONS domination GLOBAL internet EMR 5G radiation medium electronics PHONOLOGY NET Tech 4) FOCISS false focus family familiarity INSTALL grid chip or consumption mentality CON-TRACT Appropriation apparent race sex identity Human camera Aperture (VIEW) CON-duct containment prison slave 'Surreptitious (Carrot Surreal Tur-pentine) reality TRUE VISION and the ARTS OF REAL DREAMING To see within the worlds and between the lines of the words and the living ONE who is the CHI-IST or the living ones who speak and are heard by ALL IS in all life and lives TO BE TOOLS not fools fooled and USE in wise usage INTENTION with TRU TRUE ATLAS The ART OF THE NU URTH LANGUAGE to speak URTHUR we use our real awareness WRITING the SOLAR SCRIPTS By NUSTAR AdamIS To complete the SOLARIS and ALP Altruism Lottery Project NUtron TRUST
Friday, November 18, 2022
Star date Nov 18 REAL CURE We Come in peace HEALING Solareans are US pan...
TO BE A SEER, SEE ALL ILLNISS is a CHANCE for REVEALATIONS In other words we have a chance to LEARN from the HEALING and eliminate something which we could not or did not do otherwise. .IT IS OPPORTUNITY to become AWARE and to move beyond the old state or consciousness domination we had been with. An example COUGH BRONCHITIS SLIPPERY ELM TEA..1 teaspoonful Flax seed 1 oz. Slippery Elm bark 1 oz. Thoroughwort (Boneset) 1 stick Licorice 1 quart water Simmer slowly for 20 minutes. Strain and add 1 pint of the best vinegar and 1/2 pint of sugar. When cold, bottle. Dose: 1 tablespoonful two or three times a day... Second is a breathing through the tight lip nose method, short or soft breath, instead of the faster paced. I call this the BREATH OF PEACE which is our natural non-manipulated breath I MAY use a sound NU U which is in our breath voice also, usually quiet or almost silent, but also something which can be a deep tone of the out breath voice, not out of the lips or mouth.. There is also the singing NU U within our being which is not a voice or sound we make but is instead using our soular body or within INNERSTANDING Nature or Light as one may imagine or see or sense this as a visual or spiritual "REAL Awareness" IS A 2nd or third option is to release habits and dietary intake causing problems or immune system disability, thus a CURE is the combination or inclusion of both physical and 'spiritual, technology or knowledge and wisdom natural wisdom (perceptive ability) human and NUetic (REAL AWARENESS in the physical senses or through emotion mind body) STAGE ONE We can call this TAI CHI NYUGA The first exercise may be body movements picked up naturally or easily without force spontaneously moving arms legs stretch or poses and motions associated calmly the second may be the visual method or inner SIGHT vision INNERSTANDING in Light SHINE LIKE THE SUN and Imagination INTUITION In TAI CHI NYUGA has 3 parts also with the first the 3 sacraments or SANCTUARY'S These are the golden elixer or soma nectar, the pure drop of living water, and the bread of life with the breathe of peace which may follow or is leading with the NU U song In physical terms these can be the honey nectar or bee pollen, also pure water drink, and teas, and in the visual imagination, to take in the healing sound, to sing the NU U or some other way of the breath of peace or living song sound, and open to whatever we get in our real awareness. all this can be very individual, not any one line or thought or word or method In our life we must and do reflect the things we put into it, of what we believe or accept and also a relation or referenced to what is occuring IS both an individual experience but also a universal one, so we are all a channel or as a sun shining in a universe of other stars (beings of light) but also we are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and with the ALL IS or ONE that is mentioned when spiritualists say WE ARE ONE...ISNISS each ourselves HEY PANEAGLESONG WE COME IN PEACE
Thursday, November 17, 2022
NU IS WAKING paneaglesong star date NOV 17 FACE UP ALL RELIGIONS
Nov 17 FACE-UP STAR DATE how to become A REAL CO-UNIVERSAL with ALL IS Admit you made mistakes, Trust the untrustworthy and missed the invaluable NU ALL IS Attached bonded or tap lined by religion business medical national racial or human patriot idiocy Literalized personal self-conviction or by the narcissus egotism self interest thusly ducked your Soular realization and dream visions true real RECOGNITION and how to give all you own or have or are to a central or unified trust of real beauty wonderful sharing your true or even real winning in a universal bank of wealth zealth and health NU U takes us into the coming future development of Urth in the present moment HOW THE NU AEGIS is beginning (Genesis Gesus and Chist Allahs) are working together The Mohammad-Allahs and BeNuddha’s and Chi-rist (or NU All IS Andromedans) are becoming a unified body of real unified co-workers or universal partners with the real Nature and Natural Environment, Tru reality Life is Bringing together NU NatUre and True Christians Islamics and BNuddha’s (all REAL-LEGIONS) Recognizing the unified world effort and nations or peoples and natural universals Identifying or seeing the One or ALL IS and those who would orientate towards its Unitarian Allowing and knowing or being in real awareness instead of specific literal group orientation Recognizing the counter or control world system and its counterparts or contrary dilemma STAR DATE NOV 17 SUN 25 SCORPIO MOON ON STAR SHEPHERD BOOTES GATHERING OF THE FLOCKS FINAL HARVEST SEASON (SEE-SUNS LIGHT WITHIN) SOLUNAR GEMINI DAY RISE AND EVENING AFTERNOON IN CANCER--- CAN CARE or CAN YOU REALLY CARE? That objective monopoly and religious spiritual or meta science mentality and construct are no longer in or of creation nor the tru reality (perhaps never were) or actual field of realization The same Universal effort or affect is also untold here in astrology/solar arts and its limitations Nor in any meta-physics psychology or religion meta-science or psychism mind study Nor in the media arts and sciences or technology production or virtual reality creative concepts 2022/23 is the NU AEGIS as a orientation for the first time in a WORLD UNIFIED awareness
NU IS WAKING paneaglesong star date NOV 17 FACE UP ALL RELIGIONS
Admit you made mistakes, Trust the untrustworthy and missed the invaluable NU ALL IS Attached bonded or tap lined by religion business medical national racial or human patriot idiocy Literalized personal self-conviction or by the narcissus egotism self interest thusly ducked your Soular realization and dream visions true real RECOGNITION and how to give all you own or have or are to a central or unified trust of real beauty wonderful sharing your true or even real winning in a universal bank of wealth zealth and health NU U takes us into the coming future development of Urth in the present moment HOW THE NU AEGIS is beginning (Genesis Gesus and Chist Allahs) are working together The Mohammad-Allahs and BeNuddha’s and Chi-rist (or NU All IS Andromedans) are becoming a unified body of real unified co-workers or universal partners with the real Nature and Natural Environment, Tru reality Life is Bringing together NU NatUre and True Christians Islamics and BNuddha’s (all REAL-LEGIONS) Recognizing the unified world effort and nations or peoples and natural universals Identifying or seeing the One or ALL IS and those who would orientate towards its Unitarian Allowing and knowing or being in real awareness instead of specific literal group orientation Recognizing the counter or control world system and its counterparts or contrary dilemma That objective monopoly and religious spiritual or meta science mentality and construct are no longer in or of creation nor the tru reality (perhaps never were) or actual field of realization The same Universal effort or affect is also untold here in astrology/solar arts and its limitations Nor in any meta-physics psychology or religion meta-science or psychism mind study Nor in the media arts and sciences or technology production or virtual reality creative concepts 2022/23 is the NU AEGIS as a orientation for the first time in a WORLD UNIFIED awareness A REAL-LEGION exists on this GALACTIC EMPIRICAL PLANET body URTH in the TRU REALM The object appears to be 1) a disrobe or dismemberment of the former GOD KAL LORD influence and 2) The orientation to ANDROMEDA and our United Relation in Real UniversIS It is as the Big Bang which was supposed Billions of years ago, but is only now being observed by our planetary body, meanwhile the same AWARENESS of our eventual union with our closest galaxy of MILLENIUMS in the future is an actual event now becoming part of our human awareness including the responsibility of being a Universal realm and to our Natural Environment and Planetary NUmanity, that is Humans becoming NU Universal SOLAR beings To Sing NU U is a method which can be easily done without chanting or mind – meditation IT is a direct link or Line to ALL IS and the use of our Real awareness beyond void or creation There is no path model or mission or religion or planets dimensions or soul traveling process
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Real Side Healing and a Fragmented Astral Body
Nov 16 FACE-UP Admit you made mistakes, Trust the untrustworthy and missed the invaluable NU ALL IS Attached bonded or tap lined by religion business medical national racial or human patriot idiocy Lteralized personal self-conviction or by the narcissus egotism self interest thusly ducked your soular realization and dream visions true real RECOGNITION and how to give all you own or have or are to a central or unified trust of real beauty wonderful sharing your true or even real winning in a universal bank of wealth zealth and health Nov 16 THE SOLAR STAR Initial Alphabet of Numbers AST SOLDCKUIWYXQZE (AS To SOULAR or SOL DUCK WYX QUIZ) SUN – AS 1 SO 2 LT 3 BD 4 EC 5 PK 6 and U 7 X 8 I 9 E 10 W and 11 Y 12 Q 13 Z 14 SNU DECK as AST = sum of A = S+D sum of S = O+C and sum of T = T+K Or BOP the SUMS of SD OC TK or SD TIK TOK THE 21 FACTORS AND HOW THE PREDICATOR SOLARIZ STAR WORKS Add the NOV 16 STAR DATE SUN 24 SCORPIO MOON STAR DAY OF GOLDEN BEAR EVENING VIRGO with REGULUS THE NAVIGATOR Great Cat of recognition SOLAR ARIES day’z of ACTIVISM proposal physical initiation opportunity independence SOLAR EVE’Z of TORUS ELEPHANT build Nurth neutron bank conditions reference WHAT IS OUR SOULAR REAL AWARENESS You have a SOLAR BODY with 7 life levels and 5 bodies frames sheaths senses The SOLARIZ is the 7 sentient feeling psi mind solar sound aethers whole light levels The 6 SOLARZ are the physical, astral, mental, causal, soular, and etheric or subconscious The SOLARIZ body can be recognized as the third eye, ear of listening, great hand, golden heart, body of light and also the golden mean (wave ray) and the SOLARIZ Solar EYIZ There are seven heavens of real universIS associated each at 3 levels with the 5 bodies 6 solarz and the 7 life levels as the emerald forest, field of dreams, tree of heaven, Mountain of light, River of stars, Oceanis and the SOLARIZ …To SOLAR EYZ or SOLARIZE oneself become the SEER as by the 3 ‘sacramENts’ of in as awareness, recognition and intention of the golden elixir soma nectar, the pure drop and living water, and the bread of life and breathe of peace to know the real NatUre and NUrth in the real NU UniversIS This is the SOLARYZE TAI CHI NU YUGA by NUSTAR ADAMIS THE DAZ AND WAKEZ OF SOLARIZ Every week the SOLUNAR conjunct of MOON and SOL happens every 6 and half dayz This weekly cycle rules the WAKE events and degree of our solar positions Saturday Nov 12 was 29 Gemini wake of Betelguese Star of the Orion queen election FRIDAY Nov 19 is Virgo the Owl health zealth and wealth wisdom keepers night bird Thursday Nov 26 Thanksgiving is Sagittarius shaman Indian nature travelers Giving without thought of return, the escapade of the TRU REVEALATION Thursday Dec 3 the PISCES or end year 2022 of GREAT ATTRACTOR DEC 4 IS THE GREAT ATTRACTOR SOULAR CONJUNCTION DEC 18 is the GALACTIC SOULAR NU YEAR and completion of 7 SEE-SUNS year GALACTIC SCORPIO will complete in January 2023 and the HERCULES TRIALS GALACTIC SAGITTARIUS begins FEBRUARY for 4 months of SAGE FREEDOM NU NATURALISM ANTAREAN Nations United and UNIVERALISM ALTERNATION How to counter the total theft of mind body soul $ ANTZ without conflict or negation action Counter – attackx the Xcorporats control gov. biz. rel. (Chip-na Rushka Amerizon) CRAZY Third world order or GBZ global business media monopoly Re-discover and re-generate or re-value recycle or resurrect property or life The Art of taking back and SEEING what is always yours and YOUR TRU REALITY Recognize the real URTH and your SOVEREIGN of UNIVERSAL NATURE Build our own or your own natural enterprise solar vessel NUAYU evaluation life reality Find the NU Naturalism and Universalism in the true reality Life IS SOLARIZ Solar ARTS of life and the NUTRON trust bank ALL-ISNISS SEE WHAT HAPPENS when we give all we own to the ONE TRU REALITY TRUST How by giving up everything you own (land owned) you gain everything (all one ISNISS) To use your life land collateral and dissolve your debt mortgage control Donate give allow value of and to Nuetron owners to share our real value land trust Creating a non interest real access bank and transfer fund’ing Trust Intuuition or Instute-stations of IS-land for instance-Intuition India-nation Innerstanding The PRESCIENT OF NU AMER and insta-tution UNIVERSALISM Paneagle currently has taken this position (non-possessive) leadership and non-authority The NU AMER or NAM is the Natural north American continent land space positive ISNISS Without borders among the 7 Seesuns SunStars spiritual SEE-TIES and 7 IS-stations con-tinents With 7 NU OZ AM IZ AF AL AK also known as NUAM NUOZ NUIS NUUM NUAF NUAL NUAK and NUAMERA, NUAMAZ, ….NUEURA, NUAFRI, NUALASIA, NUPALUK Providing real awareness or real insight of NU Universalism and NURTH multi dimensional THE REEL TO REAL UNIVERSAL MOVIE ENGLISH This series the heroine from England seeks revenge for her son in the Wyoming old west Meeting an Indian half breed and discovering the real meaning of life, land, love and nature The English education, takeover and possession of white or tribal people by land or language Film demonstrates how the land rush became the takeover control enslavement monopoly control And the use of bank loan land development and possession for the korporat history of man Violence issues of death survival of peoples land and debased religious cultural civilization and institutions To stop the cruel human control domination and manipulation To release from the dominant thought control ideology Become independent or realizing individual in the universal or true realm or world TO FIND YOUR REAL SOULARizm and know your SOULAR BODY Who is PANEAGLE and SOLARIZ : Letter to Hendrix dreamer psychic experience woman I recognize this DREAM SOUL sharing of your experience with Parker/JIMI and the connection of SOULS. I am with a group called NU U U and we sing a word or song NU U U as a direct way to connect to OUR REAL BEING ISNISS and our real Nature and the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This group discuss our dream visions which are both dreams and waking dream visions we all have those who are open can share or reveal and discover so much more of who we really are In my youth I was fond of Jimi Hendrix and especially all the 60's/70's freedom arts music when I saw JIMI in concert also in NY POP festival. Since then I recognized I had past life as an Indian (Shaman chief Black Elk) who as a Sioux lived during battle of big horn Dakota tribesman We know JIMI had multiple heritage Indian afro. BLACK ELK has a book about his life written in 1940, 8 years before he died. He was one of those instrumental to save the Indian religion and earth tribal heritage I also realized I am the grandson of a prussian (german/russian/polish/jewish) immigrant who promoted the greatest violinist of the 20th century. Yascha Heifetz who is seen in a bio-movie :gods fiddler My grandather was head of the wolfsohn bureau in new york, hence my very strong interest in music Now I am hey paneaglesong and have 500 music creations and 1000 videos on youtube I am also aware of many past lives, and why I am here today in this world and in the UniverseIS. The story goes deeper. my name is peter marshall adams...I am the namesake of peterorisis marshallah and nostradamus, 3 great astrologers who lived 800 years apart. from 0 ad to 1600...I now go as NUSTARAdamis I am also Paneagle, the one universal solarist galactician who founded the SOLASTRY SOLAR ARTS in 2001 There is not one person who does what I do in Astrology field, I can do past lives STAR GPS places and UNIVERSAL POSITIONING This is not a sales call. .I share all freely. am doing NU U U and the group WWWE world wide educators .(this is not a business either) we have mostly a desire to save the earth and to SHARE WORLD WIDE WAKE UP CALL, true revealing and non religious. I understand why people want to hide and avoid and be aware of attacks and conditions of human beings. I want you to know who I am so you can recognize this is the reason I contacted you on your JIMI dream recognition. Life is a dream, we are all souls. but much more... BEINGS OF LIGHT and in the BEST OF REAL LUV
peter adams
THE NEW AND FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS looking beyond the sun to the SOLAR CHARTS....the SOULAR POSITIONS for US are the SCORPIO 16 redirect station at the full moon ....SOLAR GALACTIC IN HERCULES and Dragon with a 8 planet universal body conjunction square oppositions including sun moon mercury venus saturn uranus and great attractor and galactic center (16 scorpio) and because the SOULAR will now head for SAGITTARIUS in the 2023 winter spring ahead, this is the REVELATION of the beginning of the NU AEGIS and all that awakening people call the ascension or at least becoming aware of the cosmic screw up that is the old aegis MANipulation DOMINions and KORPORATS lording over consciousness and ALIENATION community, the beginning also the AI agenda control continues its pattern hypnosis and hypnographic simulator monopoly and yet this breaking up of consciousness dominions, so sagittarius has the dream visions of a tru reality, naturally because the GALACTIC and the PRIME or GREAT ATTRACTOR are at 28 and 15 sagittarius with the full moon in gemini...this complete the GREAT YEAR to the initiation of the uniified body and celestial sphere yearly recognition but especially this one coming....THE CHOICE is who will SEE and recognize and become a SEER in the TRU REALITY of our multi-dimensions and REAL NATURE...environment of LIFE..
Monday, November 14, 2022
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