Sunday, September 19, 2021


NU ARCturus SOLAR TODAY SEPTEMBER 19 NU ARC TOROS parts 1 and 2 paneagle EXCELLENT instrum by paneaglesong WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS TODAY Fla 11pm 9/19 DATE 10 28 33 6 32 2 3 41 12 43 14 6 37 38 39 40 45 46 17 47 53 23 … 26..29 SEPT 19 SOLAR TODAY SHOW: THE ARC TARZS MOON PISCES STAR ARCHENAR The odd spiritual unity with the trusting loving healers of ARCTURUS, today we emphasize awareness of the untrustworthy and denial of Light work The building of the SOLAR VESSEL and the ARC of FREEDOM The light workers are coordinating the soul searchers towards a GROUP dynamic The RAINBOW ARCH and recognize our SOLAR STARSHIP (BODY OF LIGHT) We are with those who recognize our REAL AWARENESS and the REAL SIDE Even If we do not think this practical or essential or even relative to Life INTUITION and the seventh sense of Unity brought together Spiritually mentally or HEART FELT physically in a compelling revealation of our TRUE ACCORD with ALL LIFE WHAT IS THE NU ARC and WHAT IS THE NU AEGIS The NU ARC is the real arc of AWARENESS that builds the SOLAR VESSELS The SOLAR VESSELS as beings of Light who live on URTH and ride the HEAVENS Those winged horse and eagle spirits and whale caretakers and ARC Lovers The REAL NU GUIDES and especially the NU TARZS : Rebezar the Torch Bearer SEPTEMBER 19 SOLAR TODAY SHOW By paneagle: THE NU AEGIS IS ON WHAT IS NU U U : A song or the sound of DIRECT CONNECTION The presentation of NU NATIONS UNITED and REAL UNIVERSITIS The NU GUIDES and NU U man of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS THE GOD PEOPLE WORSHIP THE POWERS THAT BE ARE MAKING A VERY STRONG STATEMENT That the TRU REALITY IS ON YOUR TV AND PUBLIC MEDIA The WORD GOD is used so often and entirely to demonstrate the attention of people on the belief of a space or universal or unknown diety (GO OUT DEAD) Meaning it is a program of a dimensional or word space creation It is not A GOD of human savior or protection or religion reality Yet it is used daily by believers and not, continuously and projectively human If the people knew this worship is a three headed god of good bad and ugly Or it’s a devotion to the idea god is out there ruling space and time and life Wheras what we worship or believe in is something of the creation not the creator and thusly this mistaken identity becomes our belief in its reality So all manner of heavens or delivery systems and religious ideals were created and accepted even if they are only ideas, and nothing more than man made or at least alien directed and supplied from some other dimensions, To even mention the possiblity of some other dimension is reputiatable And so as any considered conspiracy theory it is thusly thrown out and discarded even though just like the god belief, it is held in some level of authentic reality in our minds, which is the all important target of the belief system manufacturers and LIKELY the ALIENATION program in effect for centuries come to roost in modern minds It is most likely that the Universal god we are worshipping is real but that it is not a benevolent or caretaking but rather more of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE An autonomton that is becoming a real thing people allow to control them Especially is this more so a threat in artificial computer robot domination of media markets and economic or human technology systems… ITS ON YOUR TV ARCTURIAN TRIATS LOVE LIGHT AND HEALING

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