Monday, June 27, 2022

SOLARIS SEVEN Day Heaven Gesus EXEGIS WILDSTOCK 2022 concert

THE GREAT SOLARIST ONE UNIVERSAL GALACTICIAN WE ARE ALL SOLAREANS, THE SOLAR BEINGS OF LIGHT CREATIVITY IS OUR NATURAL SUUN,, THE SONG OF THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS SOLARIS SONG SEVENTH HEAVEN BY HEY PANEAGLESONG working with REBISAR TARZS, ALL IS NU GUIDES NU UNIVERSITIS NU NATURE NU URTH IN NUMAN LIGHT SOUND AND LOVE THIS IS THE REAL ADVENTURIS, THE TRUE NU WAVE THE SEVEN SEAL OF THE GALAXIANS THE SEVEN SOLAR UNIVERSIS AND FIVE LIFE LEVELS SEVEN SUUNS TRIBES OF THE CYGNUS, DENEBIAN, SIRIANS, CAPELLANS, ARCTURIANS, URTHANS (of Ursa Majors) and GALAXIANS, of the 3 URSANS, ANDROMEDANS AND PROMETHEANS ON URTH and the URTH of GAIA, TERRA and OCEANUS (earth air and water) THE REAL ORANGE PEOPLE WITH THE STAR ROCK PAINTERS THE DESCENDENTS OF THE ARIMETHEANS of ALLAH-IS GESUS, THE ETHIOPIAN SoALaCEES (solar tribe) and the STAR people of ANDROMEDANS (the NUMANITY OF THE SUN THE EARTH AND THE STARS who live here in this world realms community of NU URTH listening in the SOUND LIGHT, ALWAYS IN THE SOUL OR REAL NU NATURE FULL ACCEPTANCE of your heritage and legacy or destiny of ACTUAL BEING ISNISS the A TO YOU ARE OF hey paneaglesong and the SECOND WILDSTOCK CONCERT album Music EXEGIS SEED;S of LIGHT EXEGIS 1 Album is ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL COMIN A LONG TIME DIAMOND IN THE OCEAN FLYIN GOLDEN HEAVENWARDS IT IS SHINE LIKE THE SUN MORE THAN A DREAM NATURAL WORLD PURE WATER (IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK) REAL LIFE EXEGIS 6 ALBUM is side A songs S TO Z of SOLARIS SEVEN, TREASURE TREE, (smile at me), WONDERFUL 1 AND 2, ELIUS OF EXIS (song poem), ITS YOU, VISIONS OF PARADISE, side 2 NU ARC SYMPHONY and the FLOWER OF LIFE in 30 parts and modes Dec 7 star date 16TH SAGITTARIUS leading to the 17th degree at sunset in NUAMER western hemisphere SOULAR 33 PISCES UNIVERSAL 26 LEO MOON Aquarius 10 the DAY OF THE EAGLE SOLUNAR dawn morning of the SCORPIO Hercules and the sunset evening of the SAGE or SAGITTARIUS THIS EVENING WE ARRIVE AT 17TH SAGITTARIUS "An Easter service" written in large letters, with a smaller entry written and circled above reading "early a.m." Sagittarius 17, we find a sense of having broken out, broken free You will find the theme in Christianity always of the tomb or sacrifice, death as translation, and liberation or resurrection Real freedom is here now, real nuniversis is always pure, enevergreen and true time is enever now THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTURE THE SEVENTH DAYS OF THE SOULAR and the SOULAR NU YEAR Making a change into the NU UNIVERSAL CALENDAR There are 7 52 day periods in the SOULAR NEW YEAR as there IS the 7 days of 24 SOULAR hours There is also the 14 SIGN-NATURES of the 14 SOLAR UNIVERSAL periods of MONADS of the SUUN There is then the 7 YEAR cycle of URANUS which is our Local Universal Timer in Astrological terms Following any one of these gives one a new perspective on our SOULAR TIME and UNIVERSAL positioning The REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING is however our own SOLARIS in the Real Universe, beyond time creation or Universal cycle Each NUMAN has his own 3 “bodies”, the 5D or SOULAR body, the LIGHT BODY or BEING OF LIGHT the SUN or Humanistically in 3D (heart brain body..or astral (sol) mental (spirit) and (psy) physical) And there is our Universal body 7D the SOLARIS which is a unified STAR SUUN (field of Light) impersonal neutral and universal TO BECOME AWARE is to know who you are NOW in the real UNIVERSIS, not just human or physical or an emotional consideration Song SEVEN by Paneaglesong Lyrics Solaris And The Seven Suuns Seven Seas Seven Suns Seven Skies Seven Oceans Seven Lights Seven Stories Seven Stars Seven Signs Seven Spheres Seven Scenes Seven Soulars Sevrn Natures The Seven Life Levels, Seven Realms, Seven planes and seven suuns The seven hours seven continents seven see-suns and seven lights This is the song of seven and the solaris of paneaglesong Who is paneagle The Precedent of the seventh continent of NUAMER Pan Gesus Einsign aka Paneagle NU Aegis Solar Eyes (SOLAR-IS) Prescient of Seeoceanus SEERS working with REAL NATURE The professor Catfun HEY PANEAGLESONG ZSTAR MAN solar universal galactician The NU SOLARIST SOLAR STAR LOTTERY and Head of NUTRON Bank The BIG BANG AND THE UNIVERSAL GODZ In the beginning IS and this was the living one There is but One and its REALITY IS All NUMANITY is a STAR and the light of the SUUN ever shining Become the NU URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS The BIG BANG IS NOW and creation is finished, the end of end is here, The book of the NU AEGIS and EXEGIS and NU REVEALATION The Genesis Exegis Realution and Ynari Vidya once known as the Babbler Co-Ran Rigged Vida Now the names are changed to allow the consciousness to become AWARE And the unconscious mirror hologram alienation hypnosis reflection to be released This is the objective of the ONE DAY ONE TIME ONE BIG BANG of THE TRU REALITY ISNISS ALL IS paneagle aka peter marshall adams namesake of the 3 greateast astrologers of all time PETEORIS MARSHALLAH NUASTRADAMUS Universal Solarisms of SOLARIS the Real Position SOLAR -IS ASTROLOGY Seven Heaven (Paneaglesong) and Discover the Solarean Astrology of Real Sun and Solar-Is signatures with our clear examples, the Galactic Zodiac and the Tru reality Life IS, your many lifetimes and STAR-GPS positions "You are a Sun Shining" Real True Amazing Superior Stars for your Life and love now paneagle thousands of years experience creator pure positive and Solar-IS. (not the old common Astrology model or method)

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