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consciousness, that would be beneficial for humanity overal, for a looser, less rigid, literalized, controlled and regulated consciousness equates to experience that reflects this, and a shift in humanities overal experience would be likely. That experience ended at the moment where the exchange, the swtiching between the aliens and humans was about to take place, as I had been viewing this through the personal self consciousness of one of the female alien participants as I said, and although absent of Real awareness impressions to afford insight and explanation, at the time I then would have access to the consciousness of the female, all her memories etc to provide the relevant details. And now in this recent Real side experience, once again was I viewing through the consciousness personal self of the same female, disconnected from the Real awareness, so at the time of the experience, I would think she was who I was. She was still with her male partner, and the idea, was that as the aliens had taken on the human body forms so they would simply continue on with the lives of the displaced humans whos body types they had been, each alien then maintaining discrete contact with each other but living relatively seperate lives, their only function was to be there, and their presence would be impacting beneficially human consciousness overal. However, it seems this had not gone according to plan, for it was as though they had been discovered, ousted or exposed, the details regarding this never revealed, and all the aliens as the humans they were attempting to pose as, had gathered and relocated from the human lives they were attempting to live unnoticed, to a large forestry area, seeking seclusion, isolation, as I said as though exposed and the decision made to retreat, go into hiding, they had all made contact with each other and formed as though a refuge in whatever forest it was, it would be somewhere in America, as the humans agreeable for the exchange had all been based there. The aliens, in their human bodies had rather disregarded their pretense to an extent, they had been exposed as I said, and it was as though they had utilized their advanced alien intellects to build up their forest camp area that it resembled more a technological based community, and indeed this forest base area had become a gathering place for not only their kind, but all manner of other alien body forms also. It was as though it had become a sanctitude for displaced aliens, aliens that were operating on earth or in the immediate region of space the planet occupied, but aliens that for whatever reason had been isolated, abandoned, cut off from their species, the camp was almost a beacon for these various aliens and body forms, an established sanctitude that although was seemingly safe from humans for the time being, had become known to all these isolated aliens, and like moths to a flame, had they all converged and congregated there. As such not only were there technological structures, but spacecraft of varying designs stationed there also, and indeed frequently would spacecraft fly through the air space above the forest, and hover along the ground along as though established and decided air and ground routes. Although many of the spacecraft were grounded, damaged or in states of disrepair to the extent that they only served now as additional accomodation also, and had either made the flight to the forest initially but were no longer functional or had been in some way hauled here, as I said, many of the alien refugees joining the camp were those abandoned or displaced on the earth, and the reason being was that in some cases this was due to their ships having crashed or been blasted from the skies. Overal it was generally a friendly co operative gathering, but as you can imagine, all alien body forms and species will have their personal self attitudes etc, so disputes and altercation were to be occasionally expected. That although things hadnt quite gone according to plan, as I said, the idea was that by the aliens, in the human bodies, mere pesence would human collective consciousnes benefit, so this development hadnt really changed anything, other than the danger they now were in, as a result of having being exposed. And indeed, the average human were unable to locate them or pose much of a risk, however the human military also were aware of this alien human assumption operation, and knowledge of it was known among the higher eshellons of the dark force reptilian controllers, that which controls all governments and earth military etc. And naturally the dark forces wanted these aliens, especially the ones here posing as humans, those that were fragmenting the rigid dark force controlled human consciousness, destroyed. Pointlesss would it be to send in standard military and oppose the alien refugees, what with their spacecraft and technology, and so a secret operation would take place. The dark forces would be dispatching a large unit that boasted advanced technology and weaponry, that which the average human would be oblivious of as being in existence, sophisticated enough to be more than a match for the aliens if they presented resistance. For my Vu would now switch from the perspective of the alien female, to this large military presence gathering on the outskirts of the forest the alien camp resided within. And so I would see the advanced sci fi nature of the deployed vehicles, and the laser like fire arms the soldiers carried. And leading this assault unit would be a female, one who was very clearly reptilian. For although dressed in combat fatigues, she would posees the head of a fanged cobra, a bipedal serpent like body form, she would be a reptilian of some dark force military standing, and interestingly her scaled skin coloration would be white. And indeed among the human soldiers, wearing very futuristic looking military armour, would be a number of similarly dressed reptilians also, far larger in body form size, they all were lizardlike, but more green scaled than white, the leader was also the only one with a snake like head, the reptilian soldiers head design would resemble more that of dragons or short snouted monitor lizard. But if you ever happened to see the animated depictions of a race of lizardmen in a game called skyrim, the elder scrolls, called the argonians, they are a very close approximation to how these reptilians in this experience, and indeed many reptilians visually appear as. It was a case that, the aliens in the camp would become aware of the impending arrival of the dark force reptilian squad and their destructive intentions. And so, all ships that were capable of flight would be departing, realizing they would be unable to combat the reptilians, and so the camp was in a panic, the aliens scattering, but as I said, not all spacecraft were functional, and although some of the aliens allowed those who lacked an operational spacecraft to accompany them, many were left behind. For although it had been a relatively social community, there still resided attitudes, discriminatory ideas and distrust, and in such a situation as this, it was more or less every alien for himself, with a few exceptions. The female alien, that I had been viewing through, with her male mate, were one of those absent of the ability to vacate the planet, and this held true for pretty much the entirety of the aliens who had assumed the human forms, and so she, her mate and the others of their kind were desperately attempting to hitch a ride as it were, with varying success. But for her and her mate, they would be unable to convince any departing aliens to allow them aboard their ships. The dark force military unit would descend on the camp, but would provide an opportunity, that the remaining aliens stationed in the camp surrender, blasting this option through loudspeakers that all in the camp would hear. The dark force military were disinterested generally in the departing aliens, as the various spacecraft took to the skies, for they would quickly identify that most of the aliens they sought to destroy, those in the human forms, lacked spacecraft and the ability to evacuate. And any of them who did manage to hitch a ride, so dark force ships would pursue the craft they were in, and boasting superior technology, would blast them from the skies, destroying the ship and all the passengers and crew it carried. The aliens in human form, and the other species also unable to depart, were not about to surrender, they were well aware that this was an option with little merit, the dark force reptilians would very likely destroy them regardless of if they surrendred or not, and despite lacking ships to evacuate, they still could draw upon the technology available to them, that which had been gathered, assembled etc, and would put up what resistance they were able. A tremendous battle ensued, as each side exchanged laser blasts etc, as the aliens used whatever they had to hand to defend themselves and their camp, but they were outmatched by the dark force militia and most fell under the superior reptilian fire. The aliens, those who had assumed human form, were of a particular consciousness as I said, a pure, innocent consciousness where violence in any form was abhorrent to them, and so they would not involve themselves in the battle, only attempt to escape the camp, only to be blasted down as they did so. As the alien refugee resistance dwindled, as their numbers thinned, the dark forces again issued the option of surrender, directed toward the aliens in human form moreso, as they really could care less about the other alien species, other than to kill them if they chose to stand in opposition. The dark force militia would even present a large group of human children, and threaten to execute them, should the aliens in human forms not surrender, the dark forces knowing this would appeal to their sensitive, pure and empathy orientated natures. This would indeed be the case, but as the aliens in human form stepped forward, the reptilians not only proceeded to kill the children but kill the alien humans as well. The female and her mate would manage to escape the immediate scene, fleeing through the forest, but the reptilians would bring additional sci fi like technology to bear. One reptilian would hurl something at the retreating couple, it would strike the male partner and as though encase him in glowing blue bands of energy, as though a means of containment. But this not only restricted his mobility but as though reprogrammed him, that he became instantly as though mind controlled, and obeyed then the dictates of the reptilian who had used this curious technology. The female would continue her desperate attempted escape but it was all rather futile, all the aliens who had occupied the human body forms now were dispatched, their operation had failed, the human overal consciousness no longer would be impacted beneficially. Although the operation, their intent was sincere as a means of assisting the human race, it had simply been a choice on behalf of the species based really on personal self decision, as beneficial as it may have potentially been. As a species, they were unrecognizing of their Real awareness, and showed little interest in anything aside from creation and their personal consciousness motivations, although as I said a very pure and undistorted consciousness design, but a species overal not ready to step up and become aware of their Real awareness, accept the Real Guides assistance and begin their processes of ultimately recognizing the ISSS. However, the female, the one I had viewed the experiences through the eyes of, was a rarity amidst her species, in that her Real awareness was deciding to want to recognize the ISSS, this had yet to filter through to the personal self but was on the verge of being so. And although she was caught up with the drama, the effects of the idea causes set in motion through the choices that she and the others of her species had made, as they orchestrated this ambitious venture, when an individual is ready to become more aware, simulation and situation will follow and reflect this, even if the personal self is as yet oblivious of the Real awareness's want to now do so. And so little sense did it make for her physical body to be destroyed at this moment seemingly, that she would go into future unconscious lifetimes and at a certain viable point the Real awareness would have to attempt to get through to the personal self again. For now was the moment, and so would my Real awareness as though engage with hers, as though an impressions based arrangement that would facilitate the safety of her Real awarenes's simulated body body, allowing that I not only as though could step back into her consciousness effected body form as a vu again, but take control of it. And although her personal self would be isolated from her Real awareness, disalowing her Real awareness to intercede on the behalf of its personal self, that all she could draw upon were the skills that she had developed through the consciuosness this lifetime around which were rather limited and had her extremely vulnerable and facing imminent death, what with my Real awareness connection recognized and that can be established at any time, with far less consciousness restriction of ideas held too that shackle the Real awareness's ability to handle any and all situations, so as I became as though her consciousness, so my Real awareness could afford her the kind of safety it would have afforded my personal simulated self. And although her simulated form was blasted down by reptilian laser fire, my Real awareness facilitated her simulated vehicle reconstruction but located in an altogether different and safer location, and her awareness was reinserted into it, at least her personal vu at any rate, as awareness is everywhere and everything, its just where our personal awareness vu happens to be, what mechanics we have it within that afford the specific experiences we have etc. Life evidently recognizing Real awareness that is seeking to recognize it, and so simulation in keeping with this, pertaining to the Real awareness's created form will follow, unexpected interjections and awareness beneficial interventions into our simulated affairs, as it was here, where effectively the alien female was rescued from a situation she had in reality created for herself. But nevertheless, from all this, we have another objective vu of decision, choice, intent, of causes set into motion with the effects that follow, but out of all this simulated unreality of ideas and entangled karma between all species involved, would one individual shine more brightly, as one preparing to step up and begin her process of awareness and consequently with it would come more options, more protection effectively, as simulation always follows intent and choice, and even though her personal self hadnt consciously chosen to recognize the ISSS, very likely the intent was already expressing throughout her unseen multidimensional aspects, filtering from the Real awareness to break through at some point to the physical conscious personal self, but already shifting experiential circumstances, that otherwise may not have occurred for her, were taking place.
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