Saturday, July 6, 2024
Sundown Sound electric crickets
We are multi-dimensional beings, in that our consciousness expresses and effects the myriad of body vehicles and aspects that make up our created self, operating in their respective dimensional areas as they do, for the purposes overall of collating experiential reference, by which the recognition of the ALLLISSS can be determined. For it is the ideas of creation, parts and pieces of the ISSSNISSS everything whole reality, that can be isolated through the creational mechanics, idea fragments of the everything that are consciousness installed. And where consciousness is then the engine room, effecting body forms which can decode these ideas into simulation, that as awareness operates through the body vehicles, so these ideas and their effected simulation can be experienced. The parts, pieces, the fragments, the something's which allow recognition of the everything, through comparison of the two positions available, that of creation and the nowness of the Real awareness ISSSNISSS. As experiential reference is essential that ISSS recognition can be accomplished, it stands to reason that the greater array and variety of experience we receive the swifter this process of recognizing the Trureality can be so. Hence why, as we embark on our awareness processes, when we set intent with the recognition of the Trureality, so we tend be the recipient of far more Real side experiences than ever before. For every experience in creation, be it physical level lifetimes or Real side Guide afforded experiences, all ultimately serve this purpose, irrespective of the nature of the experience or its source, that of vupoint comparisons by which the ALLLISSS can be recognized. Up until the moment where we had decided to begin our processes of awareness, we still would have operating multi-dimensionally, our created self would still have comprised of the various body vehicles and aspects that it does, we still in reality would have been the everything creational Real awareness vu, only now we are becoming aware of it as we set intent with the ISSS, as the Guides take us through ourselves effectively, provide us our Real side experiences and we access to an ever greater degree the everything vu position, through the Real awareness that we each actually are. A Real awareness as part of the ISSSNISSS everything that animates through all consciousness effected simulated experience and position as it does, and we become aware and are shown glimpses of our various body vehicles and aspects as they operate multi-dimensionally, as they effectively are tools for experience reference collating, for our ALLLISSS comparisons. Our aspects will be as varied in their activity as our overall focus and intent dictates, and where it is placed accordingly. Up until the moment of ISSS recognizing commencement, expected can it be that our focus and attention be somewhat scattered and unregulated, expressing multi-dimensionally as it will, and where our various aspects and vehicles are operating accordingly, living their respective dimensional lives and undertaking their chosen pass-times and activity. As we begin to place intent with the ISSS so we bring our multi-dimensional selves into line gradually, for such a focus takes the time it will to firmly cement, and until then we may have Real side experiences revealing how our various aspects and vehicles may be scattered in regards to the extent of focus with the Trureality. Some may even be seemingly oblivious of the Real awareness that actually is animating through all the created parts and aspects, locked into their own decided creational idea immersion as they are. Ultimately if intent is absolute with the ISSS, this must reverberate throughout our multi-dimensional creational self and where at that point, we are operating in ways absolutely, that make sense with Life we are now standing with completely. And so it was, in this Real side experience I would seemingly be operating as another of my multi-dimensional aspects, one that was indeed intent set with the ISSS and operating then accordingly with what makes sense, Life and awareness speaking. I would be in a humanoid form predominantly, though throughout the experience constantly alternating my body type, generally maintaining the standard bipedal form though with variation of feature and detail. I was stationed on what appeared to be a large moon, operating within an extensive base or colony that practically covered the entirety of its surface. There would be quite the array and variety of body forms present also and in residence within the moon colony, quite the veritable mixture of body forms and species. Despite the differences there was general unity amongst all those present, but with the expected situation and dramas, for the vast majority of those residing in the colony were personal self immersed, absent of any interest or inclination in regards to their Real awareness or the Trureality it is a part of, and so most would be operating from a position of personal self attitude. Among the overall colony of species would be one group that stood apart from the majority, a mixture of different species also, but each of which had intent established with the ALLLISSS and on their respective processes of awareness. My dimensional aspect was part of this ISSSNISSS recognizing group, and impressions would suggest that those of my aspect's group were other dimensional aspects of nufriends from the physical level earth. For as intent between individuals converges so must experience effected, including multi- dimensionally, and where we may expect to always be in experiential association with those we share intent with throughout creation and the dimensions of it. For indeed, despite the forms of the aspects being at odds appearance wise with the physical level counterparts, a number of the group I would recognize. The Real awareness as part of the ISSSNISSS everything that animates through all consciousness effected form, body vehicle and aspect, can then determine the individuals that the aspects are an expression of, and this can be conveyed to the personal self, a personal self that alone would only have the simulation, the body forms in its midst, to draw its conclusions from as to their possible identities etc. The colony would be of a very advanced overall technological nature, the various body forms residing there, including then the aspects of what were a physical level group of nufriends, would have the adequate skills and ability where they could operate effectively in such a sci-fi like environment and station. One of the pass-times, or creational distractions, would be along similar lines to earth based car racing sports, although of a far more sophisticated nature, reminding me of one of the more recent Star Wars movies where the assorted species of a certain planet indulged in racing their respective ships and vehicles around a gauntlet for the entertainment of all spectating. For indeed a race was in progress, the vehicle of choice could be best described as motorbikes, appearance wise, though more advanced, lacking wheels and where their motion was based on anti gravity technologies. One of the members of my group of other-dimensional aspects was a regular participant in the races. For indeed, much like it is on earth, reward would be afforded for the victors of such sports, and the moon colony seemed to operate on a kind of monetary system, where required was it to establish a position of work within the colony in some regard to facilitate self sufficiency. The rest of the group of aspects and my own, always would then be among the audience, overlooking an arena which served as the race track, and where we would always watch and cheer on the aspect of our group taking part in the races. There would be a moment in the experience where the aspect of our group would crash, and as he was unscathed I would venture a joke or other. Should he have been injured it wouldn't of course have been prudent to be jovial, though despite he walking away without a scratch, there would be one member of the group of aspects that incited the others into animosity directed at myself, on the basis of the joke I had uttered. The aspect would be female, one I didn't recognize as to her physical level human form, though in association with the group, which as I said all were physical level earth based, including myself. She had the uncanny ability to make a mountain out of a mole hill as they say, to blow a situation out of proportion, effectively turning the group against me due to the innocent remark I had uttered. Rather influential was she, and I, or my aspect, was the recipient of much verbal abashing and abuse that I had to withstand. As the moments passed, most of the group would realize the folly of such action, to be triggered by the female and to be reduced to effectively a pointless exchange of ideas that went nowhere. There were two of the group however more swayed by the females influence, more captivated by her allure, and would continue to subject me to a character assassination continuously. As it transpired the group of aspects and myself had our own position within the colony, as though our own self sufficient community if you will, with the various ways we each would draw in fundings to finance ourselves, such as the bike racing as one decided option for one of the group. Having returned now to our commune, the two of the group seduced by the female and her evident desire to continue to have me subjected to belittlement, so the two individuals, and one was the same individual from earlier in this experience that I had recognized, they would be building a case within their own minds as to how I wasn't in the slightest bit interested in the recognizing of the ALLLISSS, that I was solely personal self immersed and operating. This conclusion drawn from my harmless remark earlier, that had become exacerbated through the efforts of the female of the group. I have shared on a number of previous Real side experiences that one of the means by which the dark forces can attempt our awareness process derailment, is by inciting us into reaction through the personal self, as we respond with emotion to what they bombard us with experience wise. Anything created via the personal self, emotional response included, will draw us from the nowness of our Real awareness position, where we not only are now more vulnerable, for we are absent of the unlimited potential capability the Real awareness can afford our simulation inserted forms and only have what personal self skills we have developed to fall back on, but we also can lose access to the Real awareness impressions and discernment, for we have removed ourselves from our Real awareness creational oversight position. We are rather left floundering then within the limited personal self and rather inadequate for multi- dimensional operating. Additionally our personal self reaction, if indeed we choose to react to what we are subjected too, can be along the lines of the created idea considerations of guilt, shame, and where we may act in accordance, to have such created emotion alleviated. In this case, as I was continuously abashed with accusation of insincerity of Real intent, as delivered by these two members of my group, as excited to do so by the very influential female, I would react with rage, instantly becoming as the personal self, losing all Real awareness indifference and objectivity. And in response would declare that I would abandon my group of other-dimensional awareness becoming aspects and proceed with my process of awareness in the absence of them. This was seemingly the objective of the disruptive female, very likely then a kind of group infiltrator, positioned there to generate discord within the group, and as I declared my intended self expulsion, so the two who had been drowning me in accusation and contempt would as though realize the nonsensical nature of their actions, that they had been duped by the female. For despite what transpires creationally and within the arena of the personal self, the dramas and attitudes, ultimately we all are this Real awareness with the same ISSSNISSS recognizing imperative, and where we moreso progressively adopt a mentality of support of all beings awareness speaking as a consequence, rather than operating destructively, discouragingly, or with dishonesty and deception. Regardless, I, or rather my aspect, was adamant in my going it alone determinism, and would proceed to pack my bags and establish myself elsewhere within the moon colony, deliberating over where I could apply my aspects technological know how, that secured could be a finance generating position. This would have the two individuals not return to their previous extent of accusation, but they would maintain the contention that I was stepping back and forfeiting my opportunity of ISSS recognition, although this was far from my aspects intention, just the idea of proceeding with it absent of the group. My body form was constantly alternating in design throughout the experience as I said, it also would do so in automatic accordance with the thoughts, emotions and attitudes I generated. As I said I was operating from the personal self at this moment, incited into its activation and positioning, and so wasn't operating from a position of Real awareness objective sense as to my situation, and as I stormed from the groups commune my form would become as distorted as my attitude, a rather twisted reptilian design. Although we may choose to react, and become personal self immersed and operating, and act in nonsensical accordance, as really when it comes to derailing us from our awareness process, all the dark forces can do, or rather activate their plants and infiltrators to achieve, is to have us elect to derail ourselves. For we always are the deciders and of our intent placement, we can just as readily restore ourselves in positions of nowness Real awareness indifference, and simply chalk up whatever effects we had generated for ourselves, via our personal self reactions, as simply further experience and vupoint comparison for ISSS recognition, as all experience serves for the purposes of, regardless of its nature. This was an aspect, or part of my overall creation, and so still linked with the consciousness that effects it, as now I would find myself in my physical level house recreated on the Real side, in the presence of the same two individuals of the group and additionally the female inciter, although we all now were in our human version physical level forms. The recreated houses represent the consciousness on the Real side, and that which features within them reveals the agreements we have. For nothing can feature in our experience, absent of the idea being created or agreed with, consciousness installed and then able to be effected into our experiential midst. Symbolically the ideas we agree with, including the ideas that are the consciousness effected body forms of others, are able to be present then within our recreated Real side physical level homes. The two members of my group, still would be retaining their attitudes of accusation, evidently my agreement maintained with them that they were featuring in my experience, within the walls of my consciousness representing house. And where we place attention or focus is a further mechanism of the installing the idea that is the simulation of what claims it. In this case, the female infiltrator, and very likely dark force plant, had claimed my attention, she had then my agreement, she could feature within my house, my experience. And where we agree with others, we are agreeing with their consciousness, a consciousness of ideas that will comprise of what they will, including idea agreements the individual we have agreed with harbours. In other words, I am in agreement with all individuals the female is in agreement with as I secure agreement with her, even if only fleeting. The equivalent of affording all those she is in association with, consciously and subconsciously, a back door pass into my experience, where they all can now feature in my experience, symbolically within the walls of my consciousness representing house, for the duration that my agreement with her is maintained. This would allow then the influx of a hoard of monstrous distorted body forms, loosely resembling humans, to descend upon the house, as these were beings in agreement association with the female and now could claim access to my experience also. This was rather an intended occurrence on behalf of the now grinning female, as opposed to an unconsciously realized and inadvertent happenstance, and the two individuals of my group also present would at least recognize now the deception that was the female, in light of this situation. For these particular twisted forms had the ability to as though infect others through contact, as though to bestow upon the recipients of their touch a mutagen effect, that would distort them in the same way that they were. Reminding me a little of the mutants, a particular expression of body form I once had dealings with on the Real side, which could increase their numbers through conversion of other body types to their kind in a similar manner, via physical contact. But just as we establish our agreements we can sever them, and to sever agreement with the female would include the redacting of agreement to all body forms as ideas in her consciousness, including these twisted beings intent on infecting the two individuals and myself. This evidently was made so, as the female faded from the scene, indicative of agreement withdrawing, and where we would seal the doors and windows that prevented the mutant creatures from gaining access to my house. Although just prior to her departure, she managed to swing open the front door, a large bloated mutant would shamble in and I would execute a kind of judo throw which sent it reeling across the living room and then promptly vanish. But before I could seal the front door one of the mutants would reach in and caress my cheek with its gnarled fingers. Impressions would reveal that this would have physical level body impacting consequence in some manner, as all ideas and agreements that begin on the Real side and other-dimensionally will. Necessary was it seemingly to swiftly bolt upstairs, for the top level of the consciousness representing house represents the Real side and other dimensions aside from the physical, where all ideas will be instantly manifested prior to they filtering through gradually to the physical, the ground floor of our houses symbolically. My objective was then to very likely address the idea that was the malaise or distortion I had taken on, as the mutant made contact with my body form, to neutralize it at its Real side source, before it impacted adversely through to the physical body. A case of redacting agreement, for absent of the idea and the effect stemming from, it regardless of its nature, cannot then feature. But overall, just an afforded vu of another of my many multi- dimensional aspects in association with other aspects, all of which have physical level counterparts on the earth, and a glimpse of some of the experiences being received via an alternative vehicle afforded vu. Although that which transpires with our multi-dimensional selves will still filter through to the physical in some shape or form, the dumping ground as Duane has referred to it as, as this experience would clearly reveal
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
A Nu Beginning and STAR ROCK AEGIS
THE EXEGIS A ISTORY and STAR ROCK LEGEND The EXEGIS is the escape transformation and going beyond all the Creation allusions myths Like Exodus it has its ending and journey on sound beyond the world civilizations realms Across the unnatural earth existence and the religious or bi-nary bi-polar human identity EXEGIS I to XI the music soundtrack songs of HEY PANEAGLESONG for STAR ROCK STAR ROCK LEGEND PROSE It was long ago when we created our song We painted the rainbow rock IStory on the cavern rock walls In the beginning was the word and this was ALL IS And the stone and rock people all ruled the world When the great star rock was approaching the earth Like the first sun and then planets all formed of this Urth As the same universe made galaxy stars and gamma ray godz So in each this same ISNISS is built into every way of life The great creation myth in the Oceanus of mercy and love So it was there came the concert of the great rock canyon And the star rock legends all played for rock ruler of the world With all good vibrations all connected purely w’here to ALL IS and ALL AHM FLAVA Valcana wrote then her first landslide mountain lullaby In NU ARC CITY where her father and her painted in the caves of the day She adventured her road trip and imagined the great concert of all time And in her journey became the SINGER SEER and the SONGSTRESS Alive For when they all gathered KROCK CORAIN was with NEVERVANA bands Taking drocks and loud volume death metal electricified sounds they enabled themselves to win while FLAVA lost her father to the SUN and she with the rock legends felt the depth of a great mystery allusion song in the vision she was sent across the AUS NUNIVERSAL Ocean to the ONE LOVE home there in AYERS ROCK where the URTH LIVE would begin she met the NU guides Fubbi QUANTZ told her the ISTORY of the eternal realm the beginning universal ending and the vision to create the great wildstock concert sound the star rock was coming and the extinction events were on the rock and role she would bring together all the star rock legends in the NU ARC to make one great song Now it came to be the NU Vibrations went out across the Universal SUN and Urth And the stoned orange people all gathered as the magical sound was heard The open door a portal to the Universal and the stoned rock round world For so it was the great SOUND poured in as the Star Rock Crashed Carrying the living water as well as the fire and brimstone stoned the rock turned to ash All taken into the last dimension to become plant tree and animal man These all reborn into the centuries milleniums some 60,000 years long The lemurian Atlantean and the Asian Indian Sumerian man Carrying the ISTORY of this within an ALIENATION which had sprung from the stars These too became idols and the AEGIS OF ZEUS begun Carrying reptilian and survival instinct DNA coded genetics or regeneration models The templates for the body life emotion feel mind memory spirit mystery We all lived this long time ago or were born of the ALIEN and Stuff of the STARS A chance to be vehicles or recall the original LIGHT SOUND and NU WAVE on So came us to the APOSTLES GENUS and the DISCIPLES of ALL AH and SAT NAM These songs temples and civil-ZATIONS nations under the ONE who said it was ALL But really only another mirror image and the relations relative 3 headed of A KALUUM Thus GODZ was in the Universe the GALAXY as also Stars and the SUN And in the five realms each also lowered or diminished one by one to the FIRE WATER GOD So we each learn this respect to become aware of the REAL UNIVERSE ISNISS As the emerald forests tree of heaven field of dreams and mountain of light The river of stars in the OCEAN IS of the great LIVING ONES and the REAL SUUN So the STAR ROCK LEGEND comes again to the URTH and the Orange People Without definition or repetition it is the ONE ALL IS that is NOW Here and our OWN CREATION this too as it is much be that we JOYN the NU Unity
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Monday, May 27, 2024
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Beyond the Electric rhythm verse 4.03 NU ARC ISTORY PART 2
peter NU ARC D'ESTINY E-Bok ISTORY part 2 ... in the eastern mountains of Carolina a cherokee half blood indian geophysicist loses his girl friend by a portal or light doorway to the real side on the inside of an electric dam power station on a big lake during a huge storm,, where he also discovers the happy hunting grounds of the Indians and his grandfather and tribe people and the local white population of country living people who are trying to find a unity of some economic and community project but the storm comes to promote both awareness of the real side and the danger of power and other technology being used or adopted in this area, and what happens is the indian geo scientist goes to the real side which is joyning with the people on this side or creating a huge conflict between the dimensions which are not to be manipulated as they seem to be by the combination of forces and conflicted energy... the indians and people join in a kind of energy focus involving some natural crystal elements and sound energetics. as we could call them vibration frequency which ends the storm and the portal break up ...something like singing NU U U and becoming in agreement with the tru reality instead of its manipulations.. part 2 end with the woman and man together by the lakeside singing NU U and waiting on something they are not sure of but which they touched in the real side and are beginning to recognize as the REAL NU WAVE.. I am seeing worldly speaking of the level of common ignorance and acceptance or drudgery of daily life or the control without the people knowing it mostly, as the simulator and the reality is breaking up and we are observing this readily in present tense which is being held to even though it appears to be losing stability or a reality that makes sense.. locally the huge field of phosphorus is expanding greatly and the lost safety level as we have observed lots of tornado damage and natural storms increasing in an area that used to have very few if any seems to be focus very much on the particular area where i live and which i was recently accused of causing the storms and havoc as some kind of attracting force, which may well be true... PART 2 ISTORY CONTINUED i went to new york from here because we had a hurricane that caused us to drive away having no power for 10 days, and so I got the opportunity to take this NU U into the big apple great city of NU ARC as I call it, singing acapella all over the city and meeting people everywhere from all nationalities worldwide..we had a recent storm cut power for 24 hours or more despite all the repairs that happened in the hurricane and new infrastructure built too, with 5 new solar panel power plants also, and so the so called improvements did nothing to reveal what is really going or prevent even more damage than before.. curiously I shared a relationship I think is the Moon and its weather affects and thus there is the idea the moon is being manipulated or moved or altered in orbit or energetics which can create more damage or dangers to environment and here on EURTH.. meanwhile I am working on various orojects to gain more awareness and the NU U and NU Guides assisting in most recent one I did this morning when I was able to discover the full STAR GPS system using SOLARIS and the relative codez (codes of relative numbers) which also relates to the prediction of Lottery which I also have found linked up by the same or relative CODEZ of Solaris I used for both the NU GPS and the NU Universis and the example or proof in this reality which the GPS and STAR lottery Predication demonstrate just like Einstein revealed his own universal theory of relativity by using the moon sun eclipse to know or reveal the accurate position of celestial bodies... This is a science example but it relates in the sense of the scientist study of relative events in the simulator just as in the INDIAN story that there is relation to both past and future with our agreement of various relations which we all have accepted... As the example in creation which we also see in our own lives as they mirror the events in the world within our own framework or life and nations or other compositions of our reality which we observe in the simulator such as genocide or health dangers in the environment or other activity of the controllers... Here in the united states there is a conflict of cultures, economics and politics which is showing up as the chinese and russian who are in takeover mode of the country via either tech or idolatry or by physical control via money or media and other associations which we accept such as by persons in public places or other idol worship such as to systems religions and government, but in the Indian story this demonstrates the desire to unify was accompanied by a conflict with the dark lord or a minor dark lord (like satan) as the planet saturn symbolizes in the planetary grid... which occured in part 2 when the hero couple have to confront the dark side not directly of the dark lord but almost as like that with the forces being used or the overcoming those forces through our own or they re own activity and motions to freedom ...especially this was by NU U U and our real awareness not being willing to be fooled or dominated by it... thus sing NU U U will become a clearer way through the rest of the story here and of course with our own ISTORY which we all are writing. I am once such writer who also sees this D'ESTINY book was an effort to see my many experiences and the characters and events as direct relations to this current world events and the ALIENATION and the PROGRESSING AI or electro-magnetic tech which is the creative force of domination and distortion on this restriction planet prison.. ITS ALL PRETTY FANTASTIC meanwhile in the past 20 years it predicted current and events leading to some major event which we could see by 2036 or in future if not for the reality we may truly see as a whole or among the NU PEOPLE or BEINGS in real Awareness....
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Monday, May 13, 2024
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Help Save This Planet Earth
MY STORY THE AMERIGINAL PANEAGLESONG SEEOCEAN SOLAR-IS JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON KING PETER III OF PRUSSIA I THOUGHT TO MYSELF I have questions. It really is all the same question. How can someone be the descendent of the founders of the first music publishing company in the United States that sold to Columbia records, and write 150 songs in one year and not get anyone to listen on youtube or share with anyone else. How can someone write books on four different genre’ areas and not get one published or read online. How can someone discover the method of winning lottery number prediction and not find anyone in three years to invest in playing the number system to win, despite being willing to give all of it away freely and even create a free banking system for all people to share and earn or use to end the domination of the financial controllers? How can someone discover the true Galactic center position and the modern Galactic Zodiac, then discover the Solar-IS, the Solar Timing method and sum total of Real Position beyond the former Astrology, and not have anyone use the system or develop a school of Solarists or followers? How can this same someone go back to college and complete his psychology degree, and not be able to get a teaching position or a job of any kind with the town he lives in? How can someone recognize his entire set of past lives, including a life as Joseph of Arimethea, who both helped raise and bury Jesus, and began the first church of England in Glastonbury, was probably responsible for the Jesus bloodline and the legacy of the Knights Templar who fought the crusade, among others who wished to preserve the true Christian heritage, of this same someone who was Prince King Peter the III or Prussia and still be killed by his sister/wife after six months by her commandant General so she could have all the power, and as Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of the world’s best selling Novels, and for this famous works not receive more than a small reward of a favorable childhood in his current lifetime? How can someone become president of the SEE Foundation and which name is similar to the of Scientology that has seduced and abused its own people for knowledge and money to control its own property and corporation and not be able to raise either funds nor people participation, while offering to provide the truth and reality of the SolarIS and working in the Real Natural Environment and Children are Real Education to create both real awareness and real freedom, and offer free education of music and arts while observing and sharing the continued demise and destruction of human farming by the dark brats,reptilians and lord rulers of the space time creation? How can someone want to fall in love and never really have that love willingly surrender or returned to him lastingly. How can someone discover the path of Light and Sound and Real Awareness, and find the secret of the Real freedom as the Real U in the Real Univers-IS and know the Tru reality Life IS, and not have more than one person come to realize it or recognize the true way that he has found? Now he can also ask, how can someone discover he is among the few that have the sun and the sum total of sun (solarIS) be conjunct like the most famous in creation, Yogananda, Mozart, Einstein, and Myself, while knowing that the real Solar-IS is not a person place dimension body or sign of any kind, but the Tru reality that all seek for freedom beyond the realms of creation. And how can the world continue while the banker lawyers generals steal the control forces and the freedom of the people in military industry and social engineering, which is the developed systems of the mind emotion controllers and reptilian dark brat corporate executive financiers who could easily salve the harm of the natural environment which is being degraded and polluted to the greatest extent possible, while not ending the hunger poverty and criminal prison program set upon humanity in this world and actually of that extension through all realms of creation. How can all this continue on and exist in the face of all that has been discovered here. I had a dream this night, about being with Mick Jagger, ringing on his apartment bell, and then meeting him, and saying to him, Mick, you have millions of dollars and I have 150 songs, to ask can you help me? and he refers me to music publishers who live in a kind of city group housing complex making their own sad blues and city recordings and who would not consider my works beyond those that are commercial, even as I shared my history in music publishing and music taste with them, two especially who were drugged up sleepy headed and simply not really listening, except as it sounded interesting, as I went outside to find and film a mountain lake vista that appeared to stretch across the horizon and looked like Utah, being quite aware now and thinking this is dream travel is real experience. I thought how can this same someone be on the path of total awareness or the light and sound of God known as eckankar for 30 years, and not gain the requested initiations, nor be allowed into the inner circle of the group, nor given access to the true reality Life is, unless he himself had found it otherwise, which I did, and then share the Real Universe-IS or become one of the Real Universal Guides who have to be among those many who have existed throughout the centuries and in eterniry, always showing the True Way and the true Reality to those who would be willing. Being a very important first step for any real spiritual traveler of the NU-U and our real Universe-IS, I have realized building the NU world is the goal, and creating the solar research vessel project was a first step, I had to ask if the real Universal guides are real, and if the NU_U and writing of Duane Heppner are nothing more than the same sales pitch and unconscious use of the false hope and perception of reality, which has allowed all the other missings to exist? Is his use of the word sound HU as NU-U and the creation of the NU Guides like Rebazar Tarzs all a fabrication that they themselves will refuse to deny, or is this just another creation of the ECK Masters. I do not think not, and so IT IS as THE ALL IS, not the god concept or idea set down in the finite time space worlds or space gods of Man. Here I had to ask myself, is all this for myself of personal self interest only, of the ego, mind and emotional bias, and lacking in any true altruism or universal reality at all? And beyond this, is there any real need to develop anything, like the combination seeocean paneaglesongs and Solar-IS which is my own effort to be in light, sound and Universal Life or the real eternal world. What follows is the story of these awareness, and the ultimate ISness, as well as the absolute and Primordial history of the world’s, down to the present here now which is no-thing and surely nothing more than Life Itself. To know these and be of these is the true goal, not a person wish or enlightenment project or sound heaven freedom design. **preface for my next book
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Monday, March 18, 2024
Monday, March 4, 2024
STARDAYZ MARCH 4/5 Dream Pan Wendy and the Oracle Fire dark lord
notes to Nicole (nicole isabella acting as channel and also is my niece's exact look a like to THIS IS US heroine and also was actor for LADY JANE GREY character again exact look and be alike soul )..being right is guud but really knowing is without words...yet they're is a word NU U U we use to be instant connect to ALL IS... I also use a SPEX Union (spiritual EXERCISE has 3 parts and seven levels) as a way to find or be REAL in that connection, something like being with nature completely but also with the Universal and the Solarism idea is Soular (SUN and inner Sun) that we are naturally calling it LIGHT..(.I also have 500 original songs and share these music videos freely as HEY PANEAGLESONG on youtube see LIVE FROM THE TREASURE TREE... Yes we can save the world or become the real which is better so that we know no saving necessary..With the NU YU and I AM no definitions ...thanks for the videos...we are working this NU AEGIS together..
STAR DAYZ MARCH 4/5 dayz SUN PISEAS 13 THE WHALE #4/5 SOLAR HEART moon SAGITTARIUS conjunct GALACTIC CENTER make the greatest freedom truth wisdom SAGE the outdoors expansion real-legions not religious actual awareness of ALL IS WHALE is caretaker empath sensuous familial and largesse SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC
the STAR BINGO LOTTERY PREDICATOR secret formula is quite simple and also complex Find all EXACT positive aspects (trines conjuncts) and ZERO points (planets positions near 00) We use all HARMONICS not just SunA so this is 7 levels including long-lat 3 levels each and the SOULAR SUN which is also the SOLARIZ (Z sum of 3 levels) PANU has founded SOLASTRY Solar Arts and the real MAGI is its natural universal and soularISm HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD... Beyond the becoming the real NU-Unity (NUN) or NUMANITY (MAHN) we can currently share the UNIVERSAL TRUST with a local E-CONOMY of NU-TRON which is an AI or VIRTUAL related to Physical PSIENCE and non-interest Bank Share As the program to win the lottery is a secret beyond consciousness or literal minded ideas Then build the bank trust while also the Universal capacity for development of Individual projects and support of those in this NU AM adventure.. This can be done somewhat by E-CONOMY IDEAS while more so there is the NU REALITY LIFE IS and our CHOICES in the present become dynamic. AS THIS IS WHAT WE DO NATURALLY and this is what we are UNIVERSALLY and Spiritually what we are SOLARISTICALLY or SOULARLY we enter the NU AEGIS as much as we step into it or allow become it ourselves THE NU AMERIA is the NU PAN AMERICAN continent We are all NU AMERIANS and true SOLAREANS of the NU URTH and NU Nations United NUETICS SOLAR/UNIVERSAL
Saturday, February 3, 2024
The Multi-Dimensional Reach of the Nu U Song
On the Urge for freedom independence and altruism LIFE IN THE FIRST DAYS OF THE NU AEGIS Universalist acceptance of real legion Tech PSIENCE and NuUnity Humanism WE ARE ALL AMERIGINAL (original people) Alongside the MOON STAR ALGOL THE DEMON SCORPI-OPTIC PORNOPOLY and Genocide Medium Alienation ships the politic economic and the Ameri-CAN knot world people its all screwed up and everyone knows it the song speaks to it the seers are seeing it we all try to share it so we can get them to erase it the reptilianized lizards and democrackit dogs apparently anger issues and hate against causes the envirus-on-mental bi-polarized peepole-luted populus alienated addiction fast fuddle foosball fentanyl drug heart head cases there is no real democracy nor communism nor religion nor science nor economic solution or medical cure TO be not concerned for ALL IS on the NU WAVE in the TRU REALITY and we are on the NU SUN-URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS This is the STAR ROCK CONCERT lyric song for February 3 2024 by HEY PANEAGLESONG solar arts of NUSTARadamIS
Friday, January 26, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
The Giant Floating Tree
SONG OF THE FREE BEING OF LIGHT paneaglesong PANU open the door.. star day january 22 sun 3RD DAY AQUARIUS EAGLE day 9 CREATIVE ARTIST and SOLAR DAY of the gemini HUNTER GATHERING and MOON IN GEMINI with BETELGUESE star of the ALIENATION and the busy mind...cross purposes when those on the left circle who say crazy and lost well they are the ones delimiting and the word is being limited because its nothing really we do not need to pay attention no mind or give it space or limitedness... just be with ALL IS and beyond this I am HEY PANEAGLESONG youtubby with the PURE REAL AND TRUE and the compassion unity and intention with the REAL AWARENESS which is what I HEAR ELLA and that is happening with my own but also with the ALL IS that is in my experience in the SOUND song word i sang GOLDEN ACAPELLA in new york for 2 months everywhere and drew the Universal close .....seeing hearing and being NU U U U instant tuning IN share freely 500 original songs, many written instantly and 1000 videos this week was LET THE LIGHT ON and WHATDAYAWANT HAHUMANU .with US/OUR/YOURS companion group of real purpose beings of light and all on the edge of the circle in the 5TH density (my number is 625...5x5x5) ... the SOLAR BODY is the 5th level density whatever and SOLARITY is being aware of IS (7th level unity) thisIN AS IF IT IS ON and SOLARIZ is the companion STAR FIELD where we are all STARZ and recognition makes all the difference..this year i heard "don't do anything the old way..there is if it doesn't work try something different...HA NU AH NAM (ANAMI ocean) and NU U happy NU URTH MAHN by peter adams hey paneaglesong discover the REAL UNIVERSE AND BUILD THE NU URTH SING NU U U and LISTEN TO YOUR SUN ALWAYS ON BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN colors FUCHSIA TURQUOISE and VERMILLION (blue red and yellow pastel shades) 3 NU SONGS JANUARY 2024 song of the free and LET THE LIGHT ON and NU AH YODAY AH endless creativity write a song a day in 5 minutes and sing WITH ACAPELLA the Charioteer CAPELLA star is the hand of heaven with the golden heart and the pure true real body SOLARITY to this OPEN THE THIRD EYE AND EAR OF LISTENING you become a SEER SINGER AND SPEAKER with everyone is PRECIOUS everything is precious and everything we do is PRECIOUS ISNISS with ALL IS THE STAR ROCK LEGEND movie record creation myth of journey as SOL NU MAHN with the WILDSTOCK CONCERT greatest eneverband and musical theatre project
Monday, January 15, 2024
The Big Brain Experience. Only So Much Time to Figure this Out.
Peter Adams
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
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