Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Beyond the Electric rhythm verse 4.03 NU ARC ISTORY PART 2

peter NU ARC D'ESTINY E-Bok ISTORY part 2 ... in the eastern mountains of Carolina a cherokee half blood indian geophysicist loses his girl friend by a portal or light doorway to the real side on the inside of an electric dam power station on a big lake during a huge storm,, where he also discovers the happy hunting grounds of the Indians and his grandfather and tribe people and the local white population of country living people who are trying to find a unity of some economic and community project but the storm comes to promote both awareness of the real side and the danger of power and other technology being used or adopted in this area, and what happens is the indian geo scientist goes to the real side which is joyning with the people on this side or creating a huge conflict between the dimensions which are not to be manipulated as they seem to be by the combination of forces and conflicted energy... the indians and people join in a kind of energy focus involving some natural crystal elements and sound energetics. as we could call them vibration frequency which ends the storm and the portal break up ...something like singing NU U U and becoming in agreement with the tru reality instead of its manipulations.. part 2 end with the woman and man together by the lakeside singing NU U and waiting on something they are not sure of but which they touched in the real side and are beginning to recognize as the REAL NU WAVE.. I am seeing worldly speaking of the level of common ignorance and acceptance or drudgery of daily life or the control without the people knowing it mostly, as the simulator and the reality is breaking up and we are observing this readily in present tense which is being held to even though it appears to be losing stability or a reality that makes sense.. locally the huge field of phosphorus is expanding greatly and the lost safety level as we have observed lots of tornado damage and natural storms increasing in an area that used to have very few if any seems to be focus very much on the particular area where i live and which i was recently accused of causing the storms and havoc as some kind of attracting force, which may well be true... PART 2 ISTORY CONTINUED i went to new york from here because we had a hurricane that caused us to drive away having no power for 10 days, and so I got the opportunity to take this NU U into the big apple great city of NU ARC as I call it, singing acapella all over the city and meeting people everywhere from all nationalities worldwide..we had a recent storm cut power for 24 hours or more despite all the repairs that happened in the hurricane and new infrastructure built too, with 5 new solar panel power plants also, and so the so called improvements did nothing to reveal what is really going or prevent even more damage than before.. curiously I shared a relationship I think is the Moon and its weather affects and thus there is the idea the moon is being manipulated or moved or altered in orbit or energetics which can create more damage or dangers to environment and here on EURTH.. meanwhile I am working on various orojects to gain more awareness and the NU U and NU Guides assisting in most recent one I did this morning when I was able to discover the full STAR GPS system using SOLARIS and the relative codez (codes of relative numbers) which also relates to the prediction of Lottery which I also have found linked up by the same or relative CODEZ of Solaris I used for both the NU GPS and the NU Universis and the example or proof in this reality which the GPS and STAR lottery Predication demonstrate just like Einstein revealed his own universal theory of relativity by using the moon sun eclipse to know or reveal the accurate position of celestial bodies... This is a science example but it relates in the sense of the scientist study of relative events in the simulator just as in the INDIAN story that there is relation to both past and future with our agreement of various relations which we all have accepted... As the example in creation which we also see in our own lives as they mirror the events in the world within our own framework or life and nations or other compositions of our reality which we observe in the simulator such as genocide or health dangers in the environment or other activity of the controllers... Here in the united states there is a conflict of cultures, economics and politics which is showing up as the chinese and russian who are in takeover mode of the country via either tech or idolatry or by physical control via money or media and other associations which we accept such as by persons in public places or other idol worship such as to systems religions and government, but in the Indian story this demonstrates the desire to unify was accompanied by a conflict with the dark lord or a minor dark lord (like satan) as the planet saturn symbolizes in the planetary grid... which occured in part 2 when the hero couple have to confront the dark side not directly of the dark lord but almost as like that with the forces being used or the overcoming those forces through our own or they re own activity and motions to freedom ...especially this was by NU U U and our real awareness not being willing to be fooled or dominated by it... thus sing NU U U will become a clearer way through the rest of the story here and of course with our own ISTORY which we all are writing. I am once such writer who also sees this D'ESTINY book was an effort to see my many experiences and the characters and events as direct relations to this current world events and the ALIENATION and the PROGRESSING AI or electro-magnetic tech which is the creative force of domination and distortion on this restriction planet prison.. ITS ALL PRETTY FANTASTIC meanwhile in the past 20 years it predicted current and events leading to some major event which we could see by 2036 or in future if not for the reality we may truly see as a whole or among the NU PEOPLE or BEINGS in real Awareness....

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