Monday, January 31, 2022


Star date jan 31 WHAT YOU MAY HAVE MISSED SOLARIS sun Zabian 12 aquarius night sunrise This is because of simple mathematical fact: the sum of any even amount (12 months) of odd numbers will always equal an even number—and he wanted the total to be odd. So Numa chose February, a month that would be host to Roman rituals honoring the dead, as the unlucky month to consist of 28 days. STAR DATE JAN 31 Evening of the 30TH AND MORNING of the 31st ZABIANS People on stairs graduated upwards..12 aquarius SATURN IN AQUARIUS 16TH DEGREE… SATURN OPPOSES THE GREAT ATTRACTOR This is a battle between the UNIVERSE CENTER OF GRAVITY and our LOCAL GRAVITY CENTER YOU MAY HAVE MISSED.... the SATURN IN AQUARIUS OPPOSITE THE GREAT ATTRACTOR. . 15 LEO...the position of sun of tom brady included in this opposition in the pluto football nonsense world domination alienation and the media blitz control system in 4d which we all are being affected by, including the SATURN .AS SATAN as the lord of 3d solar system and the MISTAKEN IDENTITY OF MAN in his position as the lord of the planet or this world...whereas it is clear the alien transcension or ABDUCTION of consciousness in AI continues ad nauseum.. we are asking the world wide wake up... we can include the trumpet and all the dark korp brats of the illuminati mission agenda and the religious ignorance common dummed down humanity... but also this becoming aware even if it is extremism to point the polarity...this is the NU AEGIS NOW but not of it, that is we are on the universal mansion of this waking up as the NU U and NU Manity WWWE world wide wake up using SOLARIS AND SOLASTRY this shared by HEY PANEAGLESONG the one universal galactician.. the current GTC is 27 sag and the 9 libra... some 10 years since it touched the MESSIAH at 1 libra... and so we see this is the NU AEGIS ON NOW and the mESSIAH IS HERE as we all know, because it really has never left... but the social transformation of women and culture of nations sex and religions will be the current 35 year cycle determination. will we save the people and planet nature or let it go to the COMPUTER REAL to REEL ....our choice... see galactician blogspot... best of paneagle Aquarius 13 is A BAROMETER ZABIAN The SOLAR MEASURE of our RELATIVITY or SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITION The old aegis ends and the NU AEGIS IS NOW THE ROMAN CALENDAR AND FEBRUARY This is because of simple mathematical fact: the sum of any even amount (12 months) of odd numbers will always equal an even number—and he wanted the total to be odd. So Numa chose February, a month that would be host to Roman rituals honoring the dead, as the unlucky month to consist of 28 days. IF MAN IS TO BE IN UNION WITH THE REAL and all NU NATURE, he sings NU U U If THE NUMAN is to become himself and as a STAR SHINING, then SHINE LIKE THE SUN Be a SOLAR BEING OF LIGHT, the ZOLAR and recognize the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS This we can each express in our manifestation or our simulator of reality in our own ISNISS For example, a cancer sun who can dance in the kitchen, a Pisces SOLARIS who is aware of her empath nature, as a CETUSIAN in the DENEB star field of the UNIVERSAL OCEAN, and a SOULAR body of light with its third eye, ear of listening, And a SOULAR body of light with its 7 Unities and 5 individual Solarities That is the FIELD OF HEAVEN in the URTH universe with its garden forest field mountain river ocean and sun (as a 7x3 or 21 sentient ISNISS or true spiritual senses) Then all else including REAL INTUITION (in-TO-IT-i-on) make for a tru reality LIFE ISniss This is the ZOLARIS E-BOK by paneagle, for the real EN’EVERLAND BAND This includes the 365 verses or SOLAR DAYS in the REAL CALL-IN-EARS world wide wake up CALL We should choose to not be in just the 1D VIEW of the 3D REALM, or the 5D EARTH WORLD If we would but SEE or become a SEER in the great OCEANIS, we reveal ourselves to ourselves This gives us a chance to go beyond the OLD AEGIS, the program agenda ALIENATION, and the creation matrix code of DIAMETRICS or death translation and birth cycles of lifetimes ALL WE ARE SAYING IS GIVE THE UNIVERSE A CHANCE ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER IN THE SEASONS OF THE SIETCH, IN THE ADVENTURE IS ON HIGN NOON DUNE IN THE DESERT OF THE FREE WILL

Saturday, January 15, 2022


THE NU UNUVURSAL PARADIGM REINVENTED the ORIGINAL in a New world (NU URTH) How our bodies reflect the universe and the Universal paradigm First of all is language, the first tool of man (Here I describe general associations and or specific references to the AEGIS (Old and NU PARADIGM) This established the original AEGIS of ZEUS (Lemuria.Atlantis.Sumeria (Babylon) Here was the first religion of the space god and belief system (egypt.greco.roman,mayan) What follows was the Science (origins.time) and math of Dimensions (1st (body.father and 2nd offspring.year) These two presented the 3rd dimension relatives ( of the 4th dimension (mother.month.womb) All of this was formed in universe of creation (Soul.solarity.semen.MESST) in 5th dimension All this was born on the 6th day ( in the field of dark matter across an expanding universe ( source in big bang.origin) Thusly that in the 7th DAY all was created he-we-they so to speak of THE REAL UNIVERSIS But because our references are all the old terms and conditions, the restricted control dominion of the matrix The matrix is the 6th level coded genomic astronomic and bio-dynamic universal apparency The real NU.mber is the combined psi.sci of psych/science as the real NU PARADIGM The origin is a 7x7 and 3.6.9 within the levels of the OCTAVE scale and SCALAR of Universal positioning This is present in the Universal dimensia but also the SOLARIS SOLAR AND SOL or 3 positions in the Solarstry This is the golden mean (WAVE) of the golden thread (Rays) of the golden SUUN (solar universal stars) We are each this self same unity within our own bodies and being ISNISS which is SOLARITY (Star suns of god) There are then the 3 GDZ and the 3 NU Universals and the sum totals of each (SOLARIS) This is noted in Solaristics as the three harmonic degrees of the Sun (1x 60x 3600) As the SUN SOL AND PSI Equivalents are the SUN body, SOL heart.emotion.soul) and PSI (psy.mind.mental) and SOLARIS ALL of this is misinterpreted in our human consciousness perception which is a duality (bi polar brain) The 6 Universal positions of Man are his sun sol and psi, and the galactic (4,5,6 of suun, soular and soularis) Now the key is really the SOLARIS, that is a sum total or whole, which Man is and each star and individual The Universe and each part also, the three godz or GAL GAP and MSI have these 3 parts and 7 life levels The simple point is beyond the creation and universal relativity, our real position is a ONEniss or ISNISS The real ISNISS is in ALLIS and is not of any one or thing, universe, or creation, IS as IS To use an example how man and cultures took this, is the WORD ISIS as it was a god term (Egypt) or a Cry of the Babylonian Persian or middle eastern religion body (now became part of a war machine) The identifications throughout time have been perverted, dimensioned, and polarized, however they may be Man took space time and played god, but really this was the ALIEN influence and the Reptilian influenza The devotion worship and Icon warship was the vehicle of the Invaders (from Mars, alpha centauri, or Draco among many others, not invaders but particulars anyway, such as and mainly the ORIONS (queen.mother, 2 sons ENKI ENLIL (could be brother and sister) who established the OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS (principal space god ruler lord) Now the REAL NU AEGIS is here because it has always BEEN and IS ever.becoming The original language or term was established so man would recognize the in-doctrination (IN DOCTORED) ideas The ideas were created to create reality in its own image, that is the OH-RYE-ON or Catcher in the Rye (relative) This is the prison planet and simulator matrix operation of human and Universal Alienation We can take this today as ENGLISH is the vehicle to form creation and established the Dominion locally Thus example today is the OMICRON variant (OH.MY.CON) of Covidity experiment operation Or lets use the REPTILIAN language words as they are swear terms (d*mn.f*ck,Sh*t,etc) so common in nearly every movie which presents the matrix code or the dark brat control reptilian survival or law principle relatives So this 3rd dimension is a form of the 6th dimensia within a 9 fold universal field of the Original NU (number 0) This is a highly literalized and intellectual perspective, whereas the REAL UNIVERSIS not of the kind at all It is rather much more beyond number creation or psyche, and IT IS the TRU REALITY LIFE IS The word to know or be aware is NU and to sing or breathe or know NU U U is to SEE AND BE IN ALLIS But as it is a tru REAL-LEGION, not a religion or metaphysic or marketed business ploy Of course this all is far beyond our personal and local Astrology communion which is actually reaching its end And zenith because in truth man must go beyond his literal self (body) and personal self-conviction (soul) This is to become the third or UNIVERSAL which is the impersonal detached or relative SOLAR being of light All this describes the unified field theory of the NU.UNI or REAL UNIVERSIS in the NU.URTH and SOLAR.IS THE LONG ISTORY OF THE STAR GODS I describe and share this on the hour of Moon to Betelguese, the Orion head Star, BeatleJuice of the Star that will supernova sometime in the next 100-1000 years) This star will be changing sign (gemini to cancer) in the coming century, around 2100. This indicates a genomic change in mankind, the end of the establishment of the AI (artificial intelligence) era Following will be the century of Andromeda entering Taurus (building the NU URTH.2150) This will all precede the end of the EPOCH OF SAGITTARIUS (GESUS (60AD.2200AD) when the GTC Soular reaches 0 Capricorn and the third stage of the NU AEGIS becomes a reality

Thursday, January 6, 2022

STAR DATE jan 6 2022 Crystal Nu Arc sympathy for the Rainbow

*Galactic Center g 9° 0' 3 SOLAR STAR DATE 709 700.103 signs VIRGO THE SHEPHERD gathering the flock and the HERO or Heroine of the NU WAVE of the NU U U and tru INITATION in ALL IS Sun j 16°49' 0" 4 1° 1'10" 0° 0' 1" S 22°22'47" S B Moon l 15°56'36 SOLARIS 65 GALACTIC 189 180 3 = 12 or motion of the SUUN 22 pisces WHALE to the 3 ARIES The WHALE SWIMMING INTO THE NU OCEAN or the living in the GREAT WATER…the TRU REALITY of LIGHT and SKY URTH which is so much more than creation or this IS-LAND earth Star date JAN 6 SOULAR 3 ARIES DAY OF THE CROSS building the NU TEMPLE of URTH SUN EVE OPHIUCHUS SUN RISE SAGITTARIUS SAGE SUN DAY SWAN SEA GOAT SUN SET CAPRICORN DOLPHIN MOON IN PISCES… the MOON STAR ARCHENAR BUILDING THE NU ARC discovery of the NU Heart on the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL and the NU WAVE In the NU AEGIS we are building the NU URTH of the NU UNIVERSIS as a BRIDGE to the REAL UNIVIERSAL and the GREAT ENEVER of ALL IS Going beyond the creation dream and the fake alienation program (matrix code of human alteration (alliteration of the word or ideas of mind-control) The REAL AWARENESS is not perception or observation or a soul observatory or creation model, business marketing religion or belief space god devotion The power of visualisation - for better or for worse- is fully understood only by taking responsibility for whatever is within our care . SOLARIS today is ARIES thusly the ARIA OF LIFE, ALIVE on REAL URTH the SPIRIT or EMPATH becomes aware of the REAL UNIVERSIS as the CROSSROADS or CENTER is discovered, the great whale is that caretaker of URTH and the Hero (heroine) has then resurrected as the man drops the cross or burden to be Always ON the NU WAVE rises with the SUN THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL is at 0 Libra and with the MESSIAH in the true spiritual relation or union identity with the Living One and the ALL IS Messiah in this sense means ME-ALL-IS or the impersonal associate with the UNIVERSAL or prime-uni-literal (non literal universal) and the MESSIAH is always here in the cluster funk of galaxies or heavens suns and stars which we all are as ALL IS, a true CHRIST or ALLAH (IS AH-ALL) WE LIVE IN THE FRESEUM GARDEDEN here in our metaphoric REAL UNIVERS-ISNISS GESUS TAKES A BATH IN THE ENEVER BLUE POTT SPRINGS OF FLORIVA (VIDEO) TAKE CARE OF YOUR BROTHER, MAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR NATURE RESPECT THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND ASK NOT OF YOUR SELF INTEREST THIS YEAR THE 10TH DEGREE OF LIBRA IS THE GALACTIC CENTER IT IS THE REVIVAL OF THE ANCIENT PRINCIPLE IN THE NOW MOMENT, THE NU AEGIS Here comes the LIGHT SOUND and BRILLIANT SONG of BEAUTIFUL on the NU ARC SYMPHONY We are each on the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL which is the BOAT HOUSE of the NU AEGIS To find your SOLARIS in the NU RESEARCH we each do in our own SOLARITY (with the singularity of the real UNIVERSIS) We each have five bodies in a wholeness (SOLAR-IS) which is AWARE TO recognize the intent of TRUE PURE SOLARIS is the CLOUD ATLAS of this ATLAS of the NU REALITY or the advanced SOULAR CONSCIOUSNESS That is we each are a STAR and in this heaven SUN comes the NU UNIVERSAL which ALL IS in the REAL UNIVERSIS YES your body is a temple but its only that, a house, a vehicle of which your REAL AWARENESS IS, It is also an observatory freeseum garden and path way or SOLAR-LIGHT or your BEING OF LIGHT ISNISS THE COLORS OF THE DAY ARE RED AND GREEN and also YELLOW with a touch of BLUE SOLARIS IS THE SOLAR ASTROLOGY (SOLASTRY) of the REAL UNIVERSIS And in this reference, do we see our relation (relativity) which is beyond science and mind to the tru observatory or SOLARIUM (solar I AM) THE CURRENT CYCLE of NUMANITY ON URTH The SOLAR MAN is housed in his temple which is TEMPLATE of the tru REALITY, the templar or SEER of the REAL UNIVERSIS The SOLAR cycle of the year is LIBRA in the cycle of 36 years of the SOCIAL CONSCIENCE which man is becoming CONSCIOUS of This soul consciousness IS not the social consciousness or some MEDIA driven concept of united nations and man in a cultural STIGMATA The stigmata holds or bind man to social institutions and cultural race sex or national identity and his tap lined references to god or satan or christ or allah The real AWARENESS knows these allusions and the long term ALIENATION program which man is under, in his genome or genetic code reflex dominion The DIMENSIA which we are discovering will lead to a GREATER TRANSFORMATION and the BEGINNING of a FULL EVOLUTION OF A REAL UNIVERSAL NUMANITY Currently we must recognize the E-VILL-AGE which has man in the grip and grasp of the MESSI- REPTILIAN or human mind controlled matrix in this past century The next century crossing the bridge or building the ARC of our Numanity through the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL and its constituent reality of THE NUMAN We are each the NU MAN and there is no master god guru teacher control principle law or belief idea of a science or religion or marketing business model YET to build a true NUTRON BANK, to catch the NU WAVE and to be on the GREAT LADDER of ISTORY is this story of our UNIVERSAL CENTURY ahead