Wednesday, April 3, 2024

REBISAR spoke to his NU friends

Help Save This Planet Earth

MY STORY THE AMERIGINAL PANEAGLESONG SEEOCEAN SOLAR-IS JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON KING PETER III OF PRUSSIA I THOUGHT TO MYSELF I have questions. It really is all the same question. How can someone be the descendent of the founders of the first music publishing company in the United States that sold to Columbia records, and write 150 songs in one year and not get anyone to listen on youtube or share with anyone else. How can someone write books on four different genre’ areas and not get one published or read online. How can someone discover the method of winning lottery number prediction and not find anyone in three years to invest in playing the number system to win, despite being willing to give all of it away freely and even create a free banking system for all people to share and earn or use to end the domination of the financial controllers? How can someone discover the true Galactic center position and the modern Galactic Zodiac, then discover the Solar-IS, the Solar Timing method and sum total of Real Position beyond the former Astrology, and not have anyone use the system or develop a school of Solarists or followers? How can this same someone go back to college and complete his psychology degree, and not be able to get a teaching position or a job of any kind with the town he lives in? How can someone recognize his entire set of past lives, including a life as Joseph of Arimethea, who both helped raise and bury Jesus, and began the first church of England in Glastonbury, was probably responsible for the Jesus bloodline and the legacy of the Knights Templar who fought the crusade, among others who wished to preserve the true Christian heritage, of this same someone who was Prince King Peter the III or Prussia and still be killed by his sister/wife after six months by her commandant General so she could have all the power, and as Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of the world’s best selling Novels, and for this famous works not receive more than a small reward of a favorable childhood in his current lifetime? How can someone become president of the SEE Foundation and which name is similar to the of Scientology that has seduced and abused its own people for knowledge and money to control its own property and corporation and not be able to raise either funds nor people participation, while offering to provide the truth and reality of the SolarIS and working in the Real Natural Environment and Children are Real Education to create both real awareness and real freedom, and offer free education of music and arts while observing and sharing the continued demise and destruction of human farming by the dark brats,reptilians and lord rulers of the space time creation? How can someone want to fall in love and never really have that love willingly surrender or returned to him lastingly. How can someone discover the path of Light and Sound and Real Awareness, and find the secret of the Real freedom as the Real U in the Real Univers-IS and know the Tru reality Life IS, and not have more than one person come to realize it or recognize the true way that he has found? Now he can also ask, how can someone discover he is among the few that have the sun and the sum total of sun (solarIS) be conjunct like the most famous in creation, Yogananda, Mozart, Einstein, and Myself, while knowing that the real Solar-IS is not a person place dimension body or sign of any kind, but the Tru reality that all seek for freedom beyond the realms of creation. And how can the world continue while the banker lawyers generals steal the control forces and the freedom of the people in military industry and social engineering, which is the developed systems of the mind emotion controllers and reptilian dark brat corporate executive financiers who could easily salve the harm of the natural environment which is being degraded and polluted to the greatest extent possible, while not ending the hunger poverty and criminal prison program set upon humanity in this world and actually of that extension through all realms of creation. How can all this continue on and exist in the face of all that has been discovered here. I had a dream this night, about being with Mick Jagger, ringing on his apartment bell, and then meeting him, and saying to him, Mick, you have millions of dollars and I have 150 songs, to ask can you help me? and he refers me to music publishers who live in a kind of city group housing complex making their own sad blues and city recordings and who would not consider my works beyond those that are commercial, even as I shared my history in music publishing and music taste with them, two especially who were drugged up sleepy headed and simply not really listening, except as it sounded interesting, as I went outside to find and film a mountain lake vista that appeared to stretch across the horizon and looked like Utah, being quite aware now and thinking this is dream travel is real experience. I thought how can this same someone be on the path of total awareness or the light and sound of God known as eckankar for 30 years, and not gain the requested initiations, nor be allowed into the inner circle of the group, nor given access to the true reality Life is, unless he himself had found it otherwise, which I did, and then share the Real Universe-IS or become one of the Real Universal Guides who have to be among those many who have existed throughout the centuries and in eterniry, always showing the True Way and the true Reality to those who would be willing. Being a very important first step for any real spiritual traveler of the NU-U and our real Universe-IS, I have realized building the NU world is the goal, and creating the solar research vessel project was a first step, I had to ask if the real Universal guides are real, and if the NU_U and writing of Duane Heppner are nothing more than the same sales pitch and unconscious use of the false hope and perception of reality, which has allowed all the other missings to exist? Is his use of the word sound HU as NU-U and the creation of the NU Guides like Rebazar Tarzs all a fabrication that they themselves will refuse to deny, or is this just another creation of the ECK Masters. I do not think not, and so IT IS as THE ALL IS, not the god concept or idea set down in the finite time space worlds or space gods of Man. Here I had to ask myself, is all this for myself of personal self interest only, of the ego, mind and emotional bias, and lacking in any true altruism or universal reality at all? And beyond this, is there any real need to develop anything, like the combination seeocean paneaglesongs and Solar-IS which is my own effort to be in light, sound and Universal Life or the real eternal world. What follows is the story of these awareness, and the ultimate ISness, as well as the absolute and Primordial history of the world’s, down to the present here now which is no-thing and surely nothing more than Life Itself. To know these and be of these is the true goal, not a person wish or enlightenment project or sound heaven freedom design. **preface for my next book

Monday, March 4, 2024

STARDAYZ MARCH 4/5 Dream Pan Wendy and the Oracle Fire dark lord

notes to Nicole (nicole isabella acting as channel and also is my niece's exact look a like to THIS IS US heroine and also was actor for LADY JANE GREY character again exact look and be alike soul )..being right is guud but really knowing is without words...yet they're is a word NU U U we use to be instant connect to ALL IS... I also use a SPEX Union (spiritual EXERCISE has 3 parts and seven levels) as a way to find or be REAL in that connection, something like being with nature completely but also with the Universal and the Solarism idea is Soular (SUN and inner Sun) that we are naturally calling it LIGHT..(.I also have 500 original songs and share these music videos freely as HEY PANEAGLESONG on youtube see LIVE FROM THE TREASURE TREE... Yes we can save the world or become the real which is better so that we know no saving necessary..With the NU YU and I AM no definitions ...thanks for the videos...we are working this NU AEGIS together..
STAR DAYZ MARCH 4/5 dayz SUN PISEAS 13 THE WHALE #4/5 SOLAR HEART moon SAGITTARIUS conjunct GALACTIC CENTER make the greatest freedom truth wisdom SAGE the outdoors expansion real-legions not religious actual awareness of ALL IS WHALE is caretaker empath sensuous familial and largesse SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC
the STAR BINGO LOTTERY PREDICATOR secret formula is quite simple and also complex Find all EXACT positive aspects (trines conjuncts) and ZERO points (planets positions near 00) We use all HARMONICS not just SunA so this is 7 levels including long-lat 3 levels each and the SOULAR SUN which is also the SOLARIZ (Z sum of 3 levels) PANU has founded SOLASTRY Solar Arts and the real MAGI is its natural universal and soularISm HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD... Beyond the becoming the real NU-Unity (NUN) or NUMANITY (MAHN) we can currently share the UNIVERSAL TRUST with a local E-CONOMY of NU-TRON which is an AI or VIRTUAL related to Physical PSIENCE and non-interest Bank Share As the program to win the lottery is a secret beyond consciousness or literal minded ideas Then build the bank trust while also the Universal capacity for development of Individual projects and support of those in this NU AM adventure.. This can be done somewhat by E-CONOMY IDEAS while more so there is the NU REALITY LIFE IS and our CHOICES in the present become dynamic. AS THIS IS WHAT WE DO NATURALLY and this is what we are UNIVERSALLY and Spiritually what we are SOLARISTICALLY or SOULARLY we enter the NU AEGIS as much as we step into it or allow become it ourselves THE NU AMERIA is the NU PAN AMERICAN continent We are all NU AMERIANS and true SOLAREANS of the NU URTH and NU Nations United NUETICS SOLAR/UNIVERSAL

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Multi-Dimensional Reach of the Nu U Song

On the Urge for freedom independence and altruism LIFE IN THE FIRST DAYS OF THE NU AEGIS Universalist acceptance of real legion Tech PSIENCE and NuUnity Humanism WE ARE ALL AMERIGINAL (original people) Alongside the MOON STAR ALGOL THE DEMON SCORPI-OPTIC PORNOPOLY and Genocide Medium Alienation ships the politic economic and the Ameri-CAN knot world people its all screwed up and everyone knows it the song speaks to it the seers are seeing it we all try to share it so we can get them to erase it the reptilianized lizards and democrackit dogs apparently anger issues and hate against causes the envirus-on-mental bi-polarized peepole-luted populus alienated addiction fast fuddle foosball fentanyl drug heart head cases there is no real democracy nor communism nor religion nor science nor economic solution or medical cure TO be not concerned for ALL IS on the NU WAVE in the TRU REALITY and we are on the NU SUN-URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS This is the STAR ROCK CONCERT lyric song for February 3 2024 by HEY PANEAGLESONG solar arts of NUSTARadamIS

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Giant Floating Tree

SONG OF THE FREE BEING OF LIGHT paneaglesong PANU open the door.. star day january 22 sun 3RD DAY AQUARIUS EAGLE day 9 CREATIVE ARTIST and SOLAR DAY of the gemini HUNTER GATHERING and MOON IN GEMINI with BETELGUESE star of the ALIENATION and the busy mind...cross purposes when those on the left circle who say crazy and lost well they are the ones delimiting and the word is being limited because its nothing really we do not need to pay attention no mind or give it space or limitedness... just be with ALL IS and beyond this I am HEY PANEAGLESONG youtubby with the PURE REAL AND TRUE and the compassion unity and intention with the REAL AWARENESS which is what I HEAR ELLA and that is happening with my own but also with the ALL IS that is in my experience in the SOUND song word i sang GOLDEN ACAPELLA in new york for 2 months everywhere and drew the Universal close .....seeing hearing and being NU U U U instant tuning IN share freely 500 original songs, many written instantly and 1000 videos this week was LET THE LIGHT ON and WHATDAYAWANT HAHUMANU .with US/OUR/YOURS companion group of real purpose beings of light and all on the edge of the circle in the 5TH density (my number is 625...5x5x5) ... the SOLAR BODY is the 5th level density whatever and SOLARITY is being aware of IS (7th level unity) thisIN AS IF IT IS ON and SOLARIZ is the companion STAR FIELD where we are all STARZ and recognition makes all the difference..this year i heard "don't do anything the old way..there is if it doesn't work try something different...HA NU AH NAM (ANAMI ocean) and NU U happy NU URTH MAHN by peter adams hey paneaglesong discover the REAL UNIVERSE AND BUILD THE NU URTH SING NU U U and LISTEN TO YOUR SUN ALWAYS ON BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN colors FUCHSIA TURQUOISE and VERMILLION (blue red and yellow pastel shades) 3 NU SONGS JANUARY 2024 song of the free and LET THE LIGHT ON and NU AH YODAY AH endless creativity write a song a day in 5 minutes and sing WITH ACAPELLA the Charioteer CAPELLA star is the hand of heaven with the golden heart and the pure true real body SOLARITY to this OPEN THE THIRD EYE AND EAR OF LISTENING you become a SEER SINGER AND SPEAKER with everyone is PRECIOUS everything is precious and everything we do is PRECIOUS ISNISS with ALL IS THE STAR ROCK LEGEND movie record creation myth of journey as SOL NU MAHN with the WILDSTOCK CONCERT greatest eneverband and musical theatre project

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Big Brain Experience. Only So Much Time to Figure this Out.

Peter Adams 3:42 AM (15 minutes ago) to me, Cheryl The Astrologer who found GOD. 6OD U. Is my license plate. GOD is a simulator... The Universe is a holographic projection. The Star and it's Suuns...the Solarist interpretation. This article shares the missing link of stars and black holes There are massive and semi massive supernovae Three levels reveals the 3D. Creation Level of Suuns This Star Suuns range between 1 8 and 30 Solar Masses These become Dwarf..Neutron..or Black Holes Most Stars are Binary.have a companion. which supernovae together. These bi.polar stars are like our brain 2 hemispheres We also have our 2 realms. The Science and Psiences. The observed human creation and our spiritual inner Psi. These are 3 major dimensionals. Each is a representation As body mind and emotion..Astral.Causal and Physical. Known as star sun and Universal in creation... Known as soul spirit and God in so called spiritual terms Our purpose is to imagine identify and recognize ourselves To observe and then become aware of universal unity The observed GodZ. we are all Stars. The 3 Majors are great GPA. Great attractor. The Galactic SUUN center.our local galaxy.. and third 3 is Messiah.Messier complex of local galaxyies. All literal translations are temporal..and surreptitious. These are just references translations and demonstrations. There are 7 GodZ in all. add the Sun and Satan.Saturnine. Include Andromeda and Sylvia as galactic the 3 Kaluum.s. in our own local system. our personal. and our universal. So we have 7 total bodies corresponding and unique. this is our NuStar NuStarAdamis and NU Universal There is an alignment of the Tesla 3 6 and 9 numbers. The event takes 20 solar days average but between 8 and 30 become Neutron stars. We observe the death as a deal of fate or deck of cards Like dominoes or end of days metaphor..Stars all end. but neverending life has no reference nor does the hidden Where Tru reality life is. it is then all an ISniss..inside.Is. So we are Stars..suuns.and GodZ..aware of the A to Z. This is the Solaris view..the observed Solastry or Solar Arts. How Google spell checker obscures the truth When we typed in spell check to Sun. The old human creation perspective is 1 dimensional The computer AI has tunnel vision. Is bi.polar. The local electro.magnetic and thermal is 3D. Gravity is 7D of God in 4D space Time. Most humans can only view 3D with 2d bi polar or 5D senses But as we are Suuns..the Stars are our body of 5 sense levels. We have the 6th sense Psi mind and our intuitional senses. 7th Is the real Awareness which makes us Solareans. As long as we are Stars..we will have these 5 senses. Now our choice is what view..what reality or idea we accept The solar universal or Psi mind or human perspective. All are bridges like the Simulator..the temporal observer. Soul. The Solarist shares this All IS...Sing with NU U to be a Seer. www.galactician.blogspot