Saturday, September 6, 2008


NUETICS uses or creates NU WORDS and values.

NUETICS is to understand and define concepts not as yet specified. To create bridge and understanding of previously unconnected ideals or concepts.

NUETICS is also a study of any approach to integrated understanding. It is a unity or unification and harmonic cooperation. It represents an entire new VU, with Fresponsibility, benvironmental, with integrated honesty. It is also a SCIENCE where the study of these values, and observed results and references will imply success, if followed or observed by other nations, peoples, or races.


Previously Society Culture and Government as well as Business and Religion is built on polarity, the opposition or association of relation with the sense of duality, otherness, right-wrong, good-bad, evil-good or one-two concepts. NUETICS is inclusive, not exclusive. It also implies the rational of benvironmental attitude, of intelligence, spiritual and mental as well as physical, a state of humane expansiveness and even love, the unified but also independent and pro-active. What concepts and live values fit into Nuetics will also build Nuetics into our life and environment.


Everyone is an Nuetic, just as we all are Iginal, original people of descendents of the land and world. But this association must be worked, thus the Nuetic concept of LIFE and SPIRIT, that we are spiritual beings, SOL, but also human, and part of a whole. Thus we support both individuality and unity, or associative harmony. Nuetics may be the method of defining this concept, and be a valid educational and scientific value for all. To be Nuetic is simple. Just be included with your world, and be yourself. It will show you those who are working Nuetically, or perhaps in disharmony. It is a reflection but also our own activity, and we are fresponsible for what results from our actions.


Read on for what Nuetics is, and what it is becoming. It has been in effect active and related for centuries, commonly unknown, but surely universal. Read on and anyone
open enough to respond, will be responded to.

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