Thursday, November 17, 2022

NU IS WAKING paneaglesong star date NOV 17 FACE UP ALL RELIGIONS

Nov 17 FACE-UP STAR DATE how to become A REAL CO-UNIVERSAL with ALL IS Admit you made mistakes, Trust the untrustworthy and missed the invaluable NU ALL IS Attached bonded or tap lined by religion business medical national racial or human patriot idiocy Literalized personal self-conviction or by the narcissus egotism self interest thusly ducked your Soular realization and dream visions true real RECOGNITION and how to give all you own or have or are to a central or unified trust of real beauty wonderful sharing your true or even real winning in a universal bank of wealth zealth and health NU U takes us into the coming future development of Urth in the present moment HOW THE NU AEGIS is beginning (Genesis Gesus and Chist Allahs) are working together The Mohammad-Allahs and BeNuddha’s and Chi-rist (or NU All IS Andromedans) are becoming a unified body of real unified co-workers or universal partners with the real Nature and Natural Environment, Tru reality Life is Bringing together NU NatUre and True Christians Islamics and BNuddha’s (all REAL-LEGIONS) Recognizing the unified world effort and nations or peoples and natural universals Identifying or seeing the One or ALL IS and those who would orientate towards its Unitarian Allowing and knowing or being in real awareness instead of specific literal group orientation Recognizing the counter or control world system and its counterparts or contrary dilemma STAR DATE NOV 17 SUN 25 SCORPIO MOON ON STAR SHEPHERD BOOTES GATHERING OF THE FLOCKS FINAL HARVEST SEASON (SEE-SUNS LIGHT WITHIN) SOLUNAR GEMINI DAY RISE AND EVENING AFTERNOON IN CANCER--- CAN CARE or CAN YOU REALLY CARE? That objective monopoly and religious spiritual or meta science mentality and construct are no longer in or of creation nor the tru reality (perhaps never were) or actual field of realization The same Universal effort or affect is also untold here in astrology/solar arts and its limitations Nor in any meta-physics psychology or religion meta-science or psychism mind study Nor in the media arts and sciences or technology production or virtual reality creative concepts 2022/23 is the NU AEGIS as a orientation for the first time in a WORLD UNIFIED awareness

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